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  1. C

    premature lockup

    It did it today even with the wires unplugged! Plus I have found out that if you get in start it up and put it in gear it doesn't do it , only when I let it warm up for a few minutes that it locks up! Do you have any idea what is going on? When I bought the car it had a 2800 in it but I do not...
  2. C

    premature lockup

    It didn't for a couple of days but it did today even with the wires unplugged! Any idea what is up!
  3. C

    premature lockup

    It does stall the motor when I put it in reverse or first after only a couple of seconds it is as if your foot just slipped off of the clutch in a standard shift car, that is what puzzles me. I will check that voltage!
  4. C

    premature lockup

    Car has started locking up as soon as I put it in forward or reverse and before that it was not locking up in high gear! 3000 stahl lockup converter. Have disconnected plug on trans so I can drive it! Is it tcc solenoid or bad chip in ecm it has a turbo tweaks chip! I just put a new motor in it...
  5. C

    Need a inline vacuum switch to activate my auxiliary fuel pump at 8 to 10 lbs boost. need part number or manufacture! Thanks

    I bought an 87 with lots of mods and it has an inline switch to activate the fuel pump but it is not working and there are no numbers or name on it and I need to replace it does any one know about these? I assume it is designed to activate at a certain boost level on the vacuum side!
  6. C

    auxilary fuel pump

    Thank You!!!
  7. C

    auxilary fuel pump

    The fuel pump hooked to the stock wiring harness does put fuel pressure to 43 pounds at idle with vacuum line off but pressure drops when I go to wot! That is why I feel auxiliary pump is not working as it should. The car has 80 lb injectors and turbo tweak chip to 18 lb boost!
  8. C

    auxilary fuel pump

    I notice that the switch is after the check valve in the vacuum line is that correct I would think that is not right , I had the vacuum lines off and I might have put them on wrong as I did not make a diagram before I took them off! Thank You so much for your tips!!! I notice when I click and...
  9. C

    auxilary fuel pump

    Bought an 87 with lots of upgrades. Had been sitting on blocks for 12 years, long story short finally have most issues sorted out. Had to replace fuel pump and when I pulled tank found two fuel pumps. Replaced both and after following wires to 2nd pump found them hooked to a solenoid installed...
  10. C

    CRUZ Performance Oil Filter Relocation Kit

    two advantages that I felt is why I installed one, larger than stock oil filter and a larger oil feed line to turbo!
  11. C

    engines dies in gear

    Thanks ,I will in the morn ! That was fast Thank You!
  12. C

    engines dies in gear

    weber built stroked motor, aluminum heads ported, intake ported, 80# injectors with turbo tweak chip, egr eliminated, 70mm turbo, dual fuel pumps, front mount cooler, 3 inch down pipe,72mm plenum,roller cam, roller rockers,3000 stall, idles fine but stalls when I put it in gear have not put...
  13. C

    Just purchased a 87 from my brother inlaw who has memory loss car sat for three years on blocks...

    Just purchased a 87 from my brother inlaw who has memory loss car sat for three years on blocks lots of goodies on the motor and trans press on the gas it gets rpms real slow and does not build much boost I am willing to pay for help I am in Dayton Ohio has a box on the...
  14. C

    Purchase of 1987 Buick Grand National

    I have purchased a 1987 that was owned by my brother in law who is now bed ridden and in poor health with memory problems. This car only has 15000 miles and every option ever available on them T-tops concert sound digital dash ect. In 2000 he started building this car and I am a car guy so he...