Recent content by DVADER

  1. D

    Baja Cam?

    Seems that I might have been sold a bill of goods! I bought this engine and installed it in the car some 1200 miles ago. I had asked the builder to install a 206-206 Comp cam in it. The engine has always idled fairly radically which made me wonder all along if it was a 206, but after some excess...
  2. D

    Timing Reading w/ext. chip & DS

    Thanks much guys.
  3. D

    Timing Reading w/ext. chip & DS

    I am very happy with my extender chip. I have just one question. When I change the timing advance setting ( I do mean the total and I know that the low and high timing are additive, etc. ) it does not change the total timing I see on my Direct Scan at WOT. For instance, the chip I have is...
  4. D

    Overheating-Electric Pump?

    Thanks for the post Chuck. All good ideas and most of which I have covered on the car. I think I will try a stock pump. What is the best way to check for head gasket problems? There is no oil in the water or water in the oil. I have not done a leak down. Thanks
  5. D

    Overheating-Electric Pump?

    May have to go there, just wanted to see if anyone had a similar problem. Thanks
  6. D

    Overheating-Electric Pump?

    I have tried everything to try and get the temp down on this car. I have recently switched an entire setup from another car which was rarely street driven and here is the combo. Basic rebuilt stock short block with GN-1's, 206-206, TE-44, ATR headers, and other basic mods. More to the point are...
  7. D

    V4- V4R availability

    Thanks Steve, three weeks is fine. I just did not want it to run into months. If anyone does know of a vendor with one, please post and I will get an order to them tomorrow. Thanks
  8. D

    V4- V4R availability

    Hey Guys: Have decided to trade my V2 front mount for a V4 or V4R from CAS. What experience have you had recently on the availability. CAS web site states 3 weeks but I have been advised to expect much more. Anyone got real world experience? Thanks
  9. D

    Transmission Shift Points

    Thanks John, I will check it out. Tommy
  10. D

    Transmission Shift Points

    I ought to know this! Does the chip control any part of the shift points of the transmission or is it purely govenor controlled? I blew this thing up last year because I am a dummy and it did not ever shift out of 2nd. New trans, new mods, ran it through the gears today with the direct scan...