Recent content by FlamingTomato

  1. F

    WTB: '84 GN Lear Front Seat & Back of Rear seat

    I picked up a t-top 84 and the sun has had its way with the fabric inserts. Looking for another front seat, and the back of the rear ( the bottom is still good, just the rear part by the package tray got hosed) Thanx Located in Michigan If anyone knows where to have these redone, please...
  2. F

    87 GN Complete Part Out...Moonroof Car

    Let me know if the front seats fall through - I am intrested in front AND rear as a set.
  3. F


    Forgot Oh yea, the important thing.... 84 GN t-top needs lots of work- cosmetics, but still rolls nice..
  4. F


    Greetings, Just wanted to post a HI! Was not sure where to start, so I picked the GreatLakes spot. I'm in SW Michigan and enjoy playing with toys. Umm.. Yea..thats about it :)