Recent content by psikillz

  1. P

    Turbonetics T-72 Q-trim w/ ceramic bearing option.

    Turbo is sold. Thanks
  2. P

    Turbonetics T-72 Q-trim w/ ceramic bearing option.

    I have a sale pending. If he does not come through tonight via paypal I'll email you guys the pics. Thanks! Clayton
  3. P

    Turbonetics T-72 Q-trim w/ ceramic bearing option.

    I have some pics, email me if you are interested in seeing them.
  4. P

    Turbonetics T-72 Q-trim w/ ceramic bearing option.

    I'll post a link to some pics tonight when I get home. Thanks for the interest.
  5. P

    Turbonetics T-72 Q-trim w/ ceramic bearing option.

    I have a turbonetics T-72 Q-trim with a .96 tangential 4 bolt housing, ceramic bearing, and polished compressor. This turbo has less than 30 miles on it. I just got the car running and a friend made me a great deal on his PT-76GTSH. I also have a .81 A/R tangential housing if you would...
  6. P

    wideband got some melted plastic on it, will this cause a problem?

    It does indeed get very hot! None of the plastic got in the holes, it was only on the surface. Thanks for the responses!
  7. P

    wideband got some melted plastic on it, will this cause a problem?

    I had my FAST wideband o2 out, but still hooked up. It heated up and melted part of a plastic bag that was against it. After it cooled down, I used a razor to scrape off the plastic, will this cause any problems? Thanks!
  8. P

    FAST Data Logger Question

    Any idea when that switch will be available? Thanks!
  9. P

    FAST ECU datalogger wiring?

    Thanks Spence! That is kinda what I was thinking...I may try and come up with some sort of switch that will make the needed wiring changes., at least that's one problem I won't have to worry about anytime soon. I have a long way to go before I need a chute! Thanks!
  10. P

    FAST ECU datalogger wiring?

    I just picked up a used data logger.....It looks like the data logger plugs into same port as the RS-232 cable for the laptop? I was hoping I could just wire the data logger up and not have to hook and unhook cables between it and the ECU each time I wanted to view the logs from my laptop...
  11. P

    FAST does not recognize wideband.

    Craig, I'll respond to your email as well. I have 7 wires coming from ECU going to the o2. (White, Black, Red, Grey, Blue, Yellow, Orange). Thanks, Clayton
  12. P

    FAST does not recognize wideband.

    I have somewhat of a delima, I purchased a FAST bank to bank setup with the wideband o2. The ECU does not seem to notice the existence of the o2 sensor. The serial number of the o2 matches the ECU, I have the enable closed loop box checked, am running in speed density mode, and have double...
  13. P

    Do I need to increase the throttle blade opening?

    I finally got the car idling pretty good! I ended up having to increase the V/E tables quite a bit around idle. Thanks for the help! I'm sure I will have more questions down the road.
  14. P

    Do I need to increase the throttle blade opening?

    Thanks Bob! I'll follow your advice! Operational parameters should be good. I'm thinking a may be a bit lean, I'm going to try and richen up the VE table around the idle. I did make some progress last night, the surging was only about 200-300 RPM, then again by this time the Coolant was...
  15. P

    FAST problems have you seen this

    can you not simply re-read your settings from a saved copy?