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  1. rodruckus

    Sold! NOS Metco Wheel Well Fuel Cell

    I just shipped the other one I had to Illinois, so NY wouldn't be a problem. pm sent
  2. rodruckus

    Sold! NOS Metco Wheel Well Fuel Cell

    I have a hard to find, nos Metco wheel well fuel cell. $250 plus shipping.
  3. rodruckus

    Metco Wheel Well Fuel Cell Tank

    Brad and bluet-type, I've got you in line. This is NavyBlueRegal's thread, so I want to give him first crack, since Metco fuel cells are extremely hard to find nowadays, especially nos ones. I'll give him a few more days, if I still don't hear from him, I'll reach out to you guys.
  4. rodruckus

    Metco Wheel Well Fuel Cell Tank

    I have 2 nos Metco fuel cells, if you're still looking. pm sent
  5. rodruckus

    Options for air filter/ vapor canister relocation

    I have an ATR canister relocator, if you're interested. pm sent
  6. rodruckus

    Seat Belts- good condition

    I have a bunch of nice, original gray seatbelts, I’ll take a look to see which ones I can find.
  7. rodruckus

    Down Pipe

    I have a really nice 3" ATR dp. If you're interested, I also have a dual 3" ATR Pitbull exhaust to help complete the baddest exhaust for these cars. pm sent
  8. rodruckus

    Outside Car Cover

    The cover fits snug and tight. There are 2 nylon straps with plastic clips in the front and back to tighten the cover. Also, a locking cable in the center I leave the straps/cable relatively loose and have never had the cover ever begin shifting. Even with the strong wind I occasionally get.
  9. rodruckus

    Outside Car Cover

    This cover by Motor Trend is by far the best cover I've ever used. It's the only cover that's kept my T still clean after it's rained and pollen/dirt free when it's windy. It also holds up very well against uv damage. Mine's been on my car for a little over 2 years and it's still in good...
  10. rodruckus

    Stock turbo shield

    I have a couple. I even have a chrome plated and black one, too. pm sent
  11. rodruckus

    Wheel wells, steering wheel, bumpers, BRF, GNX stuff

    I have a nice hood pad, pm sent
  12. rodruckus

    Header panel emblem

    I have a nice original one with the correct arrow base for an 87. The one above has the incorrect base for your car. pm sent
  13. rodruckus

    WTB 87 GN Evaporator Core

    I have several, pm sent
  14. rodruckus

    E85 from Kwik Trip?

    The E85 pump at the gas stations in NorCal is a seperate company and not affiliated or owned by that gas station. So, they obviously have a deal between them. We don't have many pumps and I've only found 2 companies that produce/offer it. Propel Fuels which markets their E85 as high...