I have a front rim that came off a GTA. It is a FRONT. It is in good shape. it has a small amount of rash but nothing major at all. very good for a driver or spare for your GN. these rims are hard to come by, especially when your looking for one. The mesh insert is gold but can easily be painted to match whatever color you need. I am at work right now so I dont have a pic but I can get one when I get home. It has a tire on it which holds air but it isnt anything special. I will sell the rim for $110 plus shipping. I accept PAYPAL ONLY. I will sell in order of response to post/ email, but please pay right away because I will sell it to the first serious person who is ready to pay because I could use the money and i dont need it. email calioak510@aol.com and i can send a pic when i get home