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2014 TSO Official Ballot


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Staff member
May 24, 2001
Alright. We've had plenty of time to come up with LOTS of rule changes. So here's how it works. My next post will have the official ballot. Please review it closely, then PM OR TEXT ME YOUR VOTE. My cell# is 321-863-2303. I will compile the votes and once I've received them all, post up the results and how everyone voted. The following racers get a vote:

*Richie Balcom
*Willard Brown
*Jason Cramer
Don Cruz
*Paul Dubois
*Manny Espino
*Dave Fiscus
Art Frye
*Tony Gomes
*Gary Harmon
Justin Hinderer
*Todd Humphrey
*Jimmy Morrison
Nick Piccione
*Chad Rogers
*Tim Szabo
Brad Tennyson
George Thompson
*Billy T
Jason White

*= Indicates vote received
My next post will have the official ballot.
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I ask that everyone please consider what is best for the class when voting and NOT just what benefits them

Rule change #1:

Dry Sumps: Currently Dry Sumps are legal. We have 2 racers that will be effected by this change.

A) Don't Allow Dry Sumps
B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #2:

Last Year E85 was voted into the class. We have 5 racers that will be effected by this change.

A) Add a 50# weight penalty to those using E85
B) Add a 100# weight penalty to those using E85
C) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #3:

Turbo Weight Break:
Currently the standard weight for the class is 3250# with a 250# weight break for those running smaller than 85mm turbos. The intent of this rule was to allow a weight break for racers running standard 82mm or smaller turbos. Currently no racers would be effected by this change.

A) Change 250# weight break to 82mm and smaller turbos
B) Change 250# weight break to 87mm and smaller turbos
C) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #4:

Pro-Mod/GT-55 type turbos:
Turbos with a compressor exducer diameter larger than 127mm/5.000" and/or a turbine exducer diameter larger than 93mm/3.66" must use 275/60 DR's. (i.e. GT-55 & PTE Promod 88). Currently no racers would be effected by this change.

A) Eliminate this turbo completely
B) Add a 150# penalty with no 275 tire requirement
C) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #5:

Race event winner penalty:
The intent of this change is to add 50 lbs to any one who wins a race. Example: if Fiscus wins BG the next race he attended he must weight 3300 lbs. if he wins this race then add another 50 lbs until he does not win . Then allow him to drop the last 50 lbs added. If he does not win the next race then he drops the initial 50 lbs until he gets to the minimum weight for the class.

A) Add the 50# weight penalty to the winner
B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #6:

Change All TSO Races to 1/8 mile races:
Currrently all races are 1/4 mile with the exception of event at Piedmont

A) Make ALL races 1/8th mile
B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #7:

Liquid Intercooler:
Currently standard weight is 3250# with a 50# penalty for a liquid IC. 3 Racers would be effected by this change.

A) Remove Weight Penalty
B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Change #8:

Inspect turbo of ET or MPH Record setter:
Currently rule says any competitor is subject to inspection and removal of compressor housing or downpipe. If protested by another competitor, the protesting competitor is required to put up $100 which will be given up if the turbo is found to be legal. Anyone found to be illegal or unwilling to remove the compressor cover or downpipe for inspection will be automatically dis-qualified and removed from the point series.

A) ALWAYS inspect the turbo of anyone who sets a record
B) Leave Rule Unchanged
Here are the final results. I'll post how the voting went and how everyone voted later.

1)B, 2)C, 3)A, 4)C, 5)B, 6)B, 7)B, 8)A

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Here is how the voting went:

Rule change #1:

Dry Sumps: Currently Dry Sumps are legal. We have 2 racers that will be effected by this change.

0 votes A) Don't Allow Dry Sumps
20 votes B) Leave Rule Unchanged

I really don't understand why this rule proposal was ever put to vote. Even the guy who proposed the rule change, voted against it :confused:

Rule Change #2:

Last Year E85 was voted into the class. We have 5 racers that will be effected by this change.

0 votes A) Add a 50# weight penalty to those using E85
5 votes B) Add a 100# weight penalty to those using E85
15 votes C) Leave Rule Unchanged

Once again, the guy who proposed the 50# weight break didn't even vote for it

Rule Change #3:

Turbo Weight Break:
Currently the standard weight for the class is 3250# with a 250# weight break for those running smaller than 85mm turbos. The intent of this rule was to allow a weight break for racers running standard 82mm or smaller turbos. Currently no racers would be effected by this change.

11 votes A) Change 250# weight break to 82mm and smaller turbos
0 votes B) Change 250# weight break to 87mm and smaller turbos
9 votes C) Leave Rule Unchanged

This is the only real rule change voted in.
Once again, the guy who proposed the 87mm weight break didn't even vote for it

Rule Change #4:

Pro-Mod/GT-55 type turbos:
Turbos with a compressor exducer diameter larger than 127mm/5.000" and/or a turbine exducer diameter larger than 93mm/3.66" must use 275/60 DR's. (i.e. GT-55 & PTE Promod 88). Currently no racers would be effected by this change.

3 votes A) Eliminate this turbo completely
2 votes B) Add a 150# penalty with no 275 tire requirement
15 votes C) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #5:

Race event winner penalty:
The intent of this change is to add 50 lbs to any one who wins a race. Example: if Fiscus wins BG the next race he attended he must weight 3300 lbs. if he wins this race then add another 50 lbs until he does not win . Then allow him to drop the last 50 lbs added. If he does not win the next race then he drops the initial 50 lbs until he gets to the minimum weight for the class.

4 votes A) Add the 50# weight penalty to the winner
16 votes B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #6:

Change All TSO Races to 1/8 mile races:
Currrently all races are 1/4 mile with the exception of event at Piedmont

6 votes A) Make ALL races 1/8th mile
14 votes B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Rule Change #7:

Liquid Intercooler:
Currently standard weight is 3250# with a 50# penalty for a liquid IC. 3 Racers would be effected by this change.

5 votes A) Remove Weight Penalty
15 votes B) Leave Rule Unchanged

Change #8:

Inspect turbo of ET or MPH Record setter:
Currently rule says any competitor is subject to inspection and removal of compressor housing or downpipe. If protested by another competitor, the protesting competitor is required to put up $100 which will be given up if the turbo is found to be legal. Anyone found to be illegal or unwilling to remove the compressor cover or downpipe for inspection will be automatically dis-qualified and removed from the point series.

13 votes A) ALWAYS inspect the turbo of anyone who sets a record
7 votes B) Leave Rule Unchanged[/quote]

This is the only other thing voted in.

I will modify the Rules accordingly. Thanks to everyone for taking the time out of their schedules to help make the class better
Here's how each person voted:

BCACABBB Richie Balcom
BCAAABBA Willard Brown
BBABABBA Jason Cramer
BCCCBABB Paul Dubois
BCACBBBB Manny Espino
BCACBABA Dave Fiscus
BCAABBBA Gary Harmon
BCCCBBBB Justin Hinderer
BCCCBABB Todd Humphrey
BCACBABA Jimmy Morrison
BCCCBBBA Nick Piccione
BBCCBBBA Chad Rogers
BCCBBBAB Brad Tennyson
BBCCBBBA George Thompson
BBACBBAA Jason White
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