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Why Try...
May 26, 2001
I have been toying with my alcohol kit for some time now and I used to run 24 psi on my 24deg RA chip. That was no big deal. I put back in my Testa chip and played with that a while ago but didn't think much about the boost because it is a 18-19deg chip. Well yesterday, I decided to play around. Lets see how much boost I can get.

I pegged my 30lb gauge and o2's were in the mid 700's! I had to roll into it cause my second gear shift started slipping really bad once I got the alky working in the fall:D. But I looked at the gauge and it was getting higher and higher then bingo 30psi. It scared me at first but the recall on the SM says 760 something O2. So I do it again. 30psi, no knock, and high 700 O2!!!

70% alky too!

Just wanted to share my success...
My mods are in my Sig...:D :D ;)

Actually it is a TA-54 turbo with ported heads, intake, TB, and Powerplate. V2 FM and custom Cold Air kit.
Just make sure you dont run out of alky at 30psi. Jay jackson was running 28psi on alky, but did eventually blow a HG
Nice going Crazi! Guess you really deserve that nickname....:)

With ported heads no less? That is like 33-34 psi on regular heads!

Question will be how much better track times you get.

Using a 2 stage alchy system?

Sweet! :)
I have hit 32psi on my car (94 Supra) on my custom methanol kit, and no knock. Granted I inject much more volume than most people with a GN, but it's doable.
I have an ATR external Wastegate and a bleed valve plumbed inside the car.

I only wish I was brave enough to try this with a higher timing chip...:( Maybe in the spring once the trans is done I'll play around with higher timing. I definitey see a spark translator in my future after I get the DirectScan.
i hate you and your stupid buick! :D

man, that's great. we're going to have to hook-up one day so you can meet the rest of the guys in the area. i don't know if you've me them or not.
The only guys I have met Nanni at the shop on Fenton and a few guys from Vernon's Auto. That is pretty much it.

I hang out with a bunch of v8 guys that race on pennsylvania ave in Md. And pretty much just do alot of talking cause the ls1 guys are scared of me. LOL
Yep... I was tinkering with 28 psi and THOUGHT I took out my headgasket the next day at the track (the symptoms had led me to believe it had blown into the valley).

Now, with the heads finally off, the gaskets looked unharmed. Haven't spent much time in the garage due to the cold, but still need to figure out just what happened!

I did discover after-the-fact that I was having a fuel pump relay problem, so I wonder if I leaned it out for a split second and maybe burned a valve. All I know is that after that run there was ONE frame of 8* KR on TLink... that was all it took at that level!

Have fun, but be careful! ;)
do you guys race down by that park off of the anacostia river? i think i've heard of guys doing that.

i hang out at vernon's most of the time when i do go somewhere.
Hmm... Anacostia park???

Nope never been but I keep hearing of sooo many different race scenes since they closed down V st. I think I may be hanging out tonight. Maybe I'll check out some of the new spots I keep hearing about.
i don't think you will be finding anyone out now. it's still cold out, the only people racing now are groups of people who know each other. it's not like it's everywhere like in the summer/spring.

i don't know, maybe i'm wrong. i've never heard of people racing on pennsylvania ave. though. i'll ask around about that.


Tried to turn my boost down today and couldn't. ATR wastegate was stuck closed which would explain why I went from 24 psi to 30. GOOD THING I HAD ALCOHOL!!

Took it apart and rebuilt it by sanding the wastegate puck rod down so it was nice and shiny and moved smoothy. No problem getting down to 10 psi now and my in the car boost knob works again.