May 28, 2017 #1 I Instro84 USAF retired Joined Jul 17, 2005 Messages 1,843 i have a set of 42 lb injectors and a TT chip for sale. were on the car when i got it i went with 60's, $95 shipped to lower 48. i'll post details on chip tomorrow when i pull it out. Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
i have a set of 42 lb injectors and a TT chip for sale. were on the car when i got it i went with 60's, $95 shipped to lower 48. i'll post details on chip tomorrow when i pull it out.
May 29, 2017 #2 P prodaddy New Member Joined Nov 1, 2015 Messages 24 Go ahead and send me the details.i may still want them for now.thanks bud.
May 29, 2017 #3 RED LS1 SENIOR MEMBER Joined Dec 31, 2001 Messages 837 any details on the chip or what is was burnt for? Alky? Can you post a picture of the injectors I am interested.
any details on the chip or what is was burnt for? Alky? Can you post a picture of the injectors I am interested.
May 29, 2017 #4 I Instro84 USAF retired Joined Jul 17, 2005 Messages 1,843 pic of injectors, got chip out today, must be an older TT chip all it says on it is TT and 42lb. the emissions chip is included also. Attachments IMG_1932.JPG 324 KB · Views: 59
pic of injectors, got chip out today, must be an older TT chip all it says on it is TT and 42lb. the emissions chip is included also.
May 29, 2017 #5 RED LS1 SENIOR MEMBER Joined Dec 31, 2001 Messages 837 Thanks for posting the pic. I am up in the air about what i'm going to do for now
Jun 16, 2017 #6 I Instro84 USAF retired Joined Jul 17, 2005 Messages 1,843 price dropped i know someone can use these.
Jun 21, 2017 #9 Kyleh24 86 GN , 87 White T Joined Jan 15, 2014 Messages 98 Not trying to answer for him, but I bought both.