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70 Nova


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Addicted to Speed
Oct 16, 2002
About a month ago i went down to the track to a test and tune. I got matched up against a couple of mustangs and on the final run they put me up with a 70 Nova. ;) The man in the nova asked me what i was running. I told him pretty quick. The Nova was very clean and sounded like he have a couple of extras under the hood. I asked him what he was running and all he said was put put some money up to find out. I told him just to run for sh!ts and giggles. He said ok. So when we pulled up to the burn out box he told the man we were going to dial in. They wrote 13.3 on his window. After running 3 runs i had them write 12.3 on my window. The Nova driver looked at me and laughed i guess thinking i was kidding. We both pulled up to the lights and waited. When the light went green on his side he took off. A second later i took off. He had me by about 2 cars. After about the 1/8 mile mark i flew by him. I coould even here the anouncer saying wow look at that GN go. I ran a 12.3 on the botton. after he pulled up beside me and said what do you have in that thing. i said its a V6 and its a good thing we didnt bet.
Good Kill............

I bet that Nova driver had a sh*t eating grin on his face till you showed him your taillights:D
Must be a quiet ride! Even with quiet exhaust on my car, going down the track all I hear is the motor winding out and the turbo whistling like a tea-kettle. I like it though. Gives the idle stealth approach at traffic lights. ;)
Some tracks actuall brodcast on AM radio because you can't always hear them in the stands..

So I bet you had your radio off?
That's Great!! Did that guy buy the Nova brand new? I can't believe he underestimated the power of the little V6!:D
Good Kill!!