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A Long Lunch


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Texas gn

Jan 14, 2011
So what…I took a long lunch. It is Friday and the GN wanted rice for lunch so we went on the hunt. One thing is for sure, if you stay out long enough something is going to bite but not always what you might expect. I looked up into the rear view and here comes this white thing…I am thinking aha… Mercedes? No… Audi? No…as it got closer it had a VW emblem on the grill. Now I am thinking to myself the hunt goes on. Well I look over and it is a chick driving by herself and she floors it and blows by me! No,no,no…that ain’t going to happen. Well the traffic clears and we end up at the light side by side, that never happens to me. Any ways she has her window down and is looking straight forward and mad. ( monthly thing?) As soon as the light turns green she floors it squealing the tires. I just happen to still have my factory tire size on (bad wheel on the DRs) so I am just sit there making a smoke screen with the Gn. LOL (everyone around probably just thought it was another Texas brush fire)

Finally I get the Gn nursed out of the hole and catcher her. Then I womp it to the floor again as I went around her making the tires squeal in her ear… that! She was persistence at stayed in it and then I gave her the brake light after 10 car lengths. That is when I got what I was looking for…..the good old ricer flyby with her looking the other way. Are you aloud to do that in a German car??? I must admit that the little VW Passat (I guess) ran better than I thought….Can’t wait for lunch next week!
Nice kill. There's a few angry VR6 VW's out there... I never underestimate any car but I think TR folk are usually safe :)