Somebody likes their propane system, eh, Mike
Panic you abondoned the last thread! I even took crap from RED to keep it going. Get it together!
Ok here is a link where you ccan get methanol mailed to you. $8 a gallon is expensive (yes RED I know!!

) but you also get a hazmat container with it. Approved for transport...might come in handy when you get a re-fill.
Many people that have done this for a while state there is no difference in running de-natured VS meth. (Steve Hill) but this is referring to running a dilluted mix.
Blackbuick, and others run it straight, (100 % with pump gas) and actually are using it asd a fuel, and not just for cooling. If that is the way you want to go, methanol has an edge in performance according to those that use it.
I've heard that people that run meth
only like to drain the fuel system after race day to avoid corrosion. Apparently they are putting something else in the meantime? BTW, not all do this, I'm sure.
An interned search BTW showed that Viton is fine with meth. I believe the Shureflow pump has gone to viton seals. Red has been running his for 3+ years with no problem. Jouriteman talked to the manufacturer, and there was a long discussion about this a while back, but it did not show up when I did a search of the archives..
Perhaps if you tell us what you are planning to do, we can offer more specific suggestions. Plenty of good people here with years of experience. You will get excellent help from this forum. Might even hear from a few 'privileged' ones..