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aluminum hi-performance v6 block based on the buici turbo 231


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Aug 1, 2002
ta performance sells these now there brand new up to 274 cid and there less then 100 pounds has anybody tryed this block any info on this would be great
First the post about NOS systems,now this.Dude put the METH pipe down:D
Originally posted by charlloots
ta performance sells these now there brand new up to 274 cid and there less then 100 pounds has anybody tryed this block any info on this would be great

Do a search on this subject. Lots of good info that is over 1 year old.
:mad: Real nice you a s s h o l e s , guy asks a question and you guys point and laugh. :mad:

Jerks. :mad:
Someone said do a search, which is the best answer.

Myself, along with others, were just kidding around with the guy. Lighten up.
Lighten up?

Since when has making a fool out of a new person something that our group has started to condone?
You could have had a dignified statment like taffy did but you went down the Jr high path. " Hes not one of us, hes not cool and hip. Lets all make fun of him."

Since ive been on the net, ive used a simple rule of thumb : never type anything you wouldnt say to anybodys face.
Im sure you wouldnt say that to his face would you?

Lots of huge balls behind the keyboard now-a-days.
I would say that to his face but in no way would i mean any harm by it. Nothing like some good laughs that build a good freindship. He does have over 400 posts? Maybe he was on vacation?
He's not new, he's been here for awhile. Check his post count. Obviously he's been gone or something for awhile. Nobody made a fool out of him. Guys are just kiddin' around with him. I consider most of the members here "friends", and as such I joke and play with them. If one of my friends says something I find overly obvious, or something a little stupid, I make fun of him. Of course, they do the same to me. Thats what friends do. Life is serious enough as it is, we all need to learn to take a little ribbing at the hands of fellow enthusiasts, and stop being so damn serious all the time. Would I have the balls to say something to his face? Of course, but he would be able to see the smile on my face and know its all in fun. If anyone on this board or any other actually got in my face over something I said on here, I would walk away because such a person is clearly over sensitive and probably prone to psycotic episodes.

Trbobuick, you must be a joy to hang with! I bet no one laughs at anyone when you're around. Lighten up.
Geez, Brian. Chill out.

Dude registered in mid-2002.

Clearly he isn't paying attention to things that don't effect him or he has the memory capacity of a goldfish.

And, yes... Do A Search is a very acceptable reply.

Cripes, go to the other board and read the active thread on the "extra machine work" required to actually fit parts into the thing.

Let's spoon feed some more people... :rolleyes:
relax guys no harm taken . when i first joined the board you would always read theres no question to dum well i guess there are plenty of dum questions . if you dont ask youll never know.
and all you guys with no life and big balls when there behinds a monitor get a life theres more to it then your car lol .
trbo buick this board is changing like you said there all big shots with no bullets it use to be go fast with class but most of these guys have no idea what that means .most of these kids have ricer mentallity but they know it all ;)
irv jr, ts6,

Hear that giant sucking sound? Its people jumping off this board because of sitiuations like this.

I wish i could be cool like you guys. Golly gee.
Originally posted by Trbobuick
Hear that giant sucking sound? Its people jumping off this board because of sitiuations like this.

I guess we'll see you at TurboBuick*.com. :D