homemade methlab
got methlab painted on my methanol tank where the battery was.
anyway, here is something new.
awhile back i called ak miller and toured his shop with him. totally great guy, and he has lived the life we all want to live.
asked him how he got rid of detonation during all his decades of boosting cars and racing pikes peak, baja,etc.
he said just spray methanol straight at the exhaust valve. brave soul, so i thought i would do the same.
heres what i do.
shurflo pump, two hobbs swithches, two oil furnace injectors in the uppipe, and two holes drilled in the front of the plenum.
inside the plenum are two brass rods going across to the rear of the plenum. the rods are positioned over the top of the intake runners. positioned in the center of the runners i have drilled a .032 hole that sprays meth right at the intake valve, which i figured would atomize immediately. dont know if it does, but i was just experimenting (im doing all this on my 87 t before i so it to my 87 gn s2 motor). so each runner gets .032 liquid meth.
i turn on the two nozzles at about 8 psi, and the rods at about 17. pump gas and 23psi, with no tr. i quess it works.
stock motor with atr 40 chip, 40 lb lucas,homeade dual ic, v2 compressor with .81 p-trim and 3" downpipe into dual 2 1/4 muffs.
100k on motor. passes emissions withoujt the cat. gets 23mpg.
still playing with it, seems to be too much meth. had to gap to .035 to cure the missing and bogging.
so far, g-tech pro says 320 hp before it run out of road in middle of second gear.
there u go, just thought i would entertain u with something different. this seems to be pretty straightforward and foolproof.
years ago iwanted to inject liquid propane and never did. ak miller actually was working on system that would inject liquid propane into each runner under boost. I'll probably do that myself with the street s2 motor just because it would be a whole lot safer on the street than methanol under the hood.
have fun. I am.