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bigger bottles for SMC kit?


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John 15:17
Nov 12, 2001
Anyone using bigger bottles for the SMC kit?

My 1/2 gallon tank is not enough for me. Not that I use that much, but I am just to lazy to keep filling it all the time...

Fuel cells are just to expensive.

I relocated my battery to the trunk. I am thinking of buying a hollow battery shell and converting that to a fuel cell.

Any other ideas?
The key to filling the tank is a good funnel.

Open the hood once or twice a week and look around, check fluids etc.

You never know what you're going to find. :)

Too lazy to fill the tank but want to re-engineer the kit? Good luck.


I check my fluids and stuff once a week when I get gas.

But that is at the gas station, and my alchy and funnel is back at the house. Just a PITA to remember to do it, and I don't want to ride around with a can in the trunk.

To lazy to fill the tank becuase it is boring. Not to lazy to engineer a new tank becuase that is fun...

I'll come up with something...
This guy will spend 5 hours making a cool bracket, but doesn't like to fill the tank! :D

I think SMC is now selling a 1 gallon tank. I drive around with at least one can of alky in the trunk, but you know how often I drive the dang buick. I take at least 3 gallons to the track. If I ever got rearended on the way to the track it would make for a hollywood type explosion with the 5 gallons of c116 or 103 in the trunk also.
Do a search on Nalgene or whatever the top of the bottle says on it. I am sure they must have a 1 gallon size bottle.

Any alky. compatible laboratory bottle made from high temp. plastic should work okay.
My car uses the o/f jug, almost two gallons. Its great, not carrying around alky in the trunk. I can go three weeks on a tank, sometimes more.
I have a Jay Carter kit, with an inline pump that makes it much easier. With an SMC I would go the fuel cell route, or you could switch it over to an F150 style pump like mine. You would have to figure out how to wire it into the controller, but that shouldnt be bad.
What kind of overflow jug do you have? I use the stock one and it's one gallon to fill. :confused:
I have a 4 gallon fuel cell strapped down in the trunk. Fill it about oh.... twice in 3 months! Yeah, having that fuel cell in the trunk takes up alot of space...:rolleyes:

I have mine on the drivers side ledge and the pump centered in the middle on the edge of the ledge then out under the car and to the upipe.

The only thing I hate is popping the trunk and guys saying damn whats that and having to make up something...:D There aren't too many TB guys around here. :(
I just noticed a fuel cell that fits into the spare tire well. I think is said 6 gallons. It would be cool to have that and some kind of switch that would let you go between tanks or mix them for a race blend. I suppose it could be used for alky too. That would last a while...
i contacted steve @ SMC last nite about his kits and he does offer a 1 gallon tank for a whopping $25!;) he said some find it hard to fit under the hood but i talked to my friend who has also seen the 1 gallon kits on a few cars and he says it would pull down more on the rad. support b/c 1 gallon of alky is heavier than 1/2 gallon of alky but other than that, clearance didnt really seem to be an issue. ive been thinking, what if you put a pump inline between the coolant resevoir and the alky tank and when the LOW ALKY lite comes on, flip a switch which would take alky from the coolant resevoir and put it in the alky tank. you wouldnt need a high flow/high pressure pump. any old fuel pump from any car should work(finally, a use for our crappy stock pumps!:)) and you would be running around with 2+ gallons of alky. just a thought:)
I have a 1 gallon SMC bottle now for about year and love it. It bearly fits but it does. Anytime I go to the track or a Buick event it always draws attention.

When I first heard of the SMC alky Kit I knew the 1/2 gallon was too small for me so I tried out his single gallon bottle. At the time Steve was also looking into 2 1/2 gallon bottles as well. Anyways yes there is a gallon kit and it will fit.

boostedmaxpsi, do you have any pics of your gallon allky tank installed on your car or anyione elses? i would like to see some pics before i decide on a system. please send any pics you might have to my email.

turbo buicks


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For those who have requested...

I'm going to the dyno today with the Buick after that around say 4pm Pacific time If you guys have an AIM account I'll send them via AIM or use email.

You'll like it.
I have a gallon tank from Steve mounted in the trunk to the brace on the left that goes from the wheel tub to the inside top of the fender. (I made the bracket.) It works like a charm. I have always had a little trepidation about putting the alcohol tank under the hood, since the flames aren't as obvious as with gas if the unspeakable occurs. It is also a little more stealthy, IMO.

11.91/115 on pump gas and stock long block with only three passes to tune.


Did you create any type of vent for the trunk for those nice hot summer days where I imagine the temp in there could get into the 130's+?? I thought about running a vent tube to the small hole in the top of the bottle for further safety if your tank has a vent hole but I imagine it would have to.
Yes, there is a vent hole in the container top.
No, I have not run a line to the outside from the vent hole. I don't think I am particularly worried about it. Anyone think I should be?
