Black Sheep Racing Club


May 29, 2001
What is the club's purpose/mission/goal/objective ?

Is it perhaps the antithesis of BGNRA or simply another alternative (might be some good juicy political history here) ?

Who's in it ? I know Geno and probably Gurtz (that rebel wildman)

How does one become a club member (I have visions of pledge hazing on Animal House) ?
Cant say I know the answer to any of the above questions...

Can say I got one of the shirts from Geno at TT and was in line at the airport the other day wearing it when one of the people behind me asked what it was all about. Hell, I lit up like I was talking about one of my kids!
It was fun and a nice opportunity to share some good TR stories.
PS- Now my favorite shirt! ;>
Heh Heh :) Black Sheep Racing is just a group of PNW GN owners that keep in touch, race, hang out and help each other out as much as possible. It's not a structured club nor will it ever be one. There are no dues, politics, newsletters, executives, etc...

We are having our second annual show and shine on August 9th. Its about 20-30 minutes dead north of the truck border. If anyone's interested you can shoot me an email for details. Last year was a blast we had a couple of stage 2 cars and a dozen GN's. The day finished up with a burn out contest :D

Future events that some of us will be attending include Vegas, possibly the BOP meet at Bremerton, and the Ashcroft season finale
NO WAY!!!! You guys are going to show your cars and not race?:D
What's the world coming to?;)


Burn out contest=rubber on the quarters


Can I still come?

Originally posted by DEL
Rob did you say...VEGAS???!!!!!!

Bring the hardware and race it !!!!

Dave, a little to far for me to go :( I'd rather save my pennies for TTV :) Hopefully the T-Type will be finished and I can give Geno a run for the money in the fast class ;)
Bring it on big boy:p
I will cut you down at the light with one of my killer reaction times
(1.5 seconds on the Sundial):D LOL
Originally posted by TurboSlacker
What is the club's purpose/mission/goal/objective ?

Is it perhaps the antithesis of BGNRA or simply another alternative (might be some good juicy political history here) ?

Who's in it ? I know Geno and probably Gurtz (that rebel wildman)

How does one become a club member (I have visions of pledge hazing on Animal House) ?

Were just a disfunctional group of Buick owners ;)
You have to be unstable or disfunctional in some way
if you want to be a member:D A mental health card that states your unstable is a sure way in ;)