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Blew the spokes off a Rascal !!!


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Feb 25, 2003
SO I'm coming up to this red light and all of a sudden I see in my rearview mirror this little speck picking up speed to catch me at the light....Meanwhile....I'm sweating and getting itchy with the Boost and trying like hell not to roast 'em but keep 'em steady while boost is rising......I'm at the cross walk and holding steady...ALL of a sudden I hear screaching...ear peircing tire squeal as the BADDEST LOKKING RASCAL I HAVE EVER SEEN IS SUDDENLY SITTING right next to me !!!! It's Red...It's Flashy...and there's one serious looking BADASS old CUE-TIP giving me the "STINK EYE"....So I BOOST SOME MORE .....and Granny gives a whirl of smoke from those tires and the "BIRDIE".....the smoke stinks of burnt rubber and masks her white hair and knotted, old, decrepet, arthritic ridin, finger.....NOW I'm really getting nervous...The whole community of GN owners PRIDE rests in my right foot!!!:eek: IT SEEMED like slow motion....The light flickered as a bead of sweat dropped from my forehead onto my arm...Then BAM !!! THE LIGHT IS GREEN...I can't's all instinct....HAMMER DOWN....I LET GO OF THE BRAKE AND ......SMOKE !!!!! DAMN !!! the Rascal gets ahead and were kneck and kneck as I boost to 18 PSI...I can hear that big, bad, mean ass battery whinning louder than any turbo I have ever heard.........ALAS I am victorius as I run the old Betty onto the curb and take POINT !!!! HOORAH...SHE's history....One more kill at the old folks home parking lot and I'll see you next wednesday...or fishstick day as you prefer....Watch out Elders....cause I'm coming......HOVER ROUND...MY ASS !!!:D
YES I REALLY have too much time on my hands today....HAPPY MOTORING !:eek:

Your the one who sat there and read the whole thing !:D
Geeze I was salavating to find out where this happened. LOL!

Hey BRY you wanna fry some rice. Hit willow st in Manchester on a friday night after NED lets out. You will have the pick of the winged warrior litter. :D
well written, you shourl write a book. "suspensfull and on the edge of your seat reading" lol, take it easy...
Just read your post to the guys in the shop, we're still rolling, thanks, made my day.:D
It's called a hover round rascal. Like those electric carts you see at Walmart for the cripple or just for lazy people, or for us we fake leg injuries and go race them up and down the fabric/sewing aisles.:)
lmao alright the story now makes sense to me:o

it is funny.... had no idea before:rolleyes: