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BMW335i and a 2012 SS Camaro


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
Finished tuning, oil changing and cleaning my 68 Camaro tonight and took her out for a spin to make sure she's ready to cruise over to Temecula tomorrow. As I was sitting at a light at SM Pkwy and Melinda, a 335i pulls up next to me...kinda figured he'd go on the green (young guy) cuz I could see him eye balling me. Sure enough on the green he's off....Now in the Camaro, I have to roll through 1st gear or I blow up the tires, but when I hit 2nd...I hit it hard and it's full spinning but grabbing....back end kicking out a bit....he's up a length but I go around him pretty easy....As I'm fendering him, I crush third and leave more rubber....and then just walk away.

At the next red light he's howling and laughing giving me the thumbs up.

I go up a bit and turn around...
As I pull up to another red I roll past a nice looking black 2012 SS...I rev it lightly to get his attention but he's stuck behind 2 cars as I roll up to the line. I cruise up SM pkwy in the opposite direction the SS goes by me, so I goose it at him and chirp the tires...he's very interested now...he gooses back.
We cruise up a couple more lights and end up lined up at a red.
On the green...again I have to roll through 1st part throttle letting the SS get up on me a length and then I pound 2nd and...same result as the 335i, but with a little more effort...
Once I was up by a few lengths and just hitting the top of 3rd, the 2012 SS gave up...

Oh yeah...she's ready for tomorrow...:D

...good news by the way...I should be getting Lou started on the GN's new engine pretty soon...;)
About time you posted something! I was starting to wonder if the streets in SoCal were once again safe from the Chicken... :cool: I guess they still aren't. LOL
Good kills Man!

Took my son to meet prospective college baseball coaches talking scholarship last weekend in Winterhaven, FL. Spring traing there means many high dollar athletes in high dollar cars. After the meeting as we are driving out of town some 20's something stud in a new black Corvette ZO-6 cruises past and blips the throttle to the point he opens the exhaust cutouts letting us know he's ready. Unfortunatley we are in my son's 97 Black Cobra with its weeny 315hp 4.6 and high 13's (paid 6K for an 80K mile flawless garage queen daily driver for him) and he is driving so we won't race. He says "if you were driving we could play". I say "oh like we'd have a prayer". How come I never have the T in for these opportunities?
