Brake Light


New Member
Jun 14, 2002
Anyone knows a quick fix for turning off the brake idiot light off. Recently, I noticed that it goes on after driving for fifteen minutes.

Thank you.

Sounds like the powermaster is on it's way out. Probably should have it checked out.

You definitely do not want to unhook idiot lights, even though they can be annoying, they tell a story. If your brake light is coming on and you still have the powermonster system, go through the diagnostic check on to find out the problem. Most times it's the accumulator bulb or the brake switch that go bad.

Good luck! This is why I run vacuum brakes on my GN. :D
Originally posted by Tom87GN
This is why I run vacuum brakes on my GN. :D

Me too!! :D

By the way I agree with Tom about NOT disconnecting the light, AND with Derrick about checking the PM out.
How do I know if the PM is about to go? And can someone direct me to the brake switch because I believe that's causing the brake light on. I also noticed that when I speeded the light appeared to glow brighter.
The brake switch should not make the brake idiot light go on only for the parking brake. There is a grounding wire at the parking brake that also turn the idiot light on.

Did you try to top of some brake fluid?
Brake fluid is full. The car brakes are okay. I have one question, can I keep driving the car with the brake idiot light on without damaging the engine? Thanking you guys in advance for your responses.

Originally posted by Geoff87
Me too!! :D

By the way I agree with Tom about NOT disconnecting the light, AND with Derrick about checking the PM out.
I agree too!! Manny have a brake guy check your brakes. If the light goes on something "IS" wrong. Last time my brake light came on about ten pumps later "NO BRAKES":eek: My Power master motor wasn't working.

"can I keep driving the car with the brake idiot light on without damaging the engine?"
I wouldn't drive it. If the brakes go. You might damage Manny & the car.
Thanks Guy for your concerned. I went back to my mechanic and was advised to buy the low fluid switch behind the reservoir. Can the switch be easily replaced?

Manny :cool:
The brake switch can just simply be unscrewed and replaced without too much trouble. Make sure it's grey in color. Be sure and relieve the system of it's pressure by applying the brakes 10-12 times with the car off.
Thanks for all the assistance. I finally replaced the switch and pumped the brakes several times to relieve the pressure before screwing it. Now everything appears to be normal. Again mahalo plenty.
