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Calling out the hULK


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May 25, 2001
I'm bored. You annoy me. I know I'm wasting my time writing a posting directly to you, but like I said, I'm bored. I'm a little dissapointed that your big long thread about about your Civic appears to have been deleted by someone...but well, I guess that happens, right? So what happened to it? Did you delete it yourself? Did it get deleted by a moderator? I mean heck, usually a thread gets locked up and then eventually get's pushed to the far nether reaches of the forum, but your post is just GONE(heh heh)

I did catch a little of the threats and chest thumping that was going on. Hmm, other things I want to know/find hard to accept - I can accept you might have had a GN, and I can accept you changed to the Honduh to reduce the theft risk, but I'm not quite sure about your Troll attitude. IMHO, if you really did own that GN, it's probably now in the hands of a better owner - on second thought, maybe not. Guessing that unless you have also stolen cars yourself, there is at least a few people of which I think less of compared to you. But I digress. The Troll attitude is what I'm talking about. You might have owned a GN, but with that attitude, I certainly don't consider you to be a fellow Buick owner. Perhaps you think something similar about me also?:confused:

It is unfortunate that things went the way they did in the other thread that got deleted. I mean, I am all about bragging about bonifide Kills, but in the future, I am going to believe very few stories about other cars beating buicks - especially if the thread poster has less than 20 posts. Probably you could care less about proving squat to me. Fine. For now you are just a troll hiding behind a keyboard. With all the threats that were flying back and forth in the posts that I did read, maybe staying behind the keyboard (at least till things can cool down) might be the wiser choice? I would have preffered that cooler heads would have prevailed, but it does seem that some let themselves get carried away. Perhaps all involved may have learned something from this - particularily in the way they will conduct themselves here in the future? I for one at least hope so.

Hmm, I guess that's enough BW for now. Please have a nice day!:D
stated by: ncgreg231
I'm wasting my time writing

Your right my friend, but more importantly your wasting bandwidth on this monkey boy. If your that bored E-mail the guy and get busy.

BTW I deleted those threads. Threads like that do nothing to promote the coolness of our little community. They make our forum resemble that which alot of us know and despise to be pointless garble on various other BB's.

Peace Geoff
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