Chip Burning Information


Resident Window Licker
Jun 14, 2001
I just finished searching the archives looking for chip burning information. I found some good threads for things to keep in mind while tuning, but no references to actual information online. I know there is some good info on, and apparently at the F-body site. But I was wondering if there are any other sites with good tuning information...basic or TB-specific.

One of my best friends is one of the better tuners in the SyTy community, but he is working OT trying to get another friend's Syclone ready for the Nats. The goal is to have it running in the 10's on a modded ECM...needless to say he doesn't have a lot of spare time right now. ;) So I was hoping to get a start on it myself and just ask him for help as needed. Any links or other forms of information would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, I am using a Modular Circuit Technology burner (circa '96 but has always worked good for burning the SyTy chips), TunerCat, and one of my dental lights as an eraser. :eek: Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by ALBERTAN
I just finished searching the archives looking for chip burning information. I found some good threads for things to keep in mind while tuning, but no references to actual information online. I know there is some good info on, and apparently at the F-body site. But I was wondering if there are any other sites with good tuning information...basic or TB-specific.

Best source is
read thru alllll the archives.
Be sure to read thru the hac at the GNTtype site 10-15 million times.
Thanks Bruce. I was going to join the mailing list, but was told there is not a lot of Buick-related posts anymore. But then there is still the site itself to go through as you mentioned. I'll just give my head a shake and say thanks. :eek: