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Christmas Kill in Vegas


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TRCM Author
May 25, 2001
So let me set this up for any of you that have never been to Vegas. Overnight highs in the low 100's in the summer, and around freezing this time of year. I mean, this is REALLY when those front mount intercoolers can cause skid marks on the road and in your pants!
My Buick brothers have been so rough on the locals, that I NEVER see action anymore.
So here it is, time to go get dinner in the cool night air. As I'm heading up the lonely 6 lane street, I notice a white Honda in the lane to my right and ahead of me. The light changes to red in front of us, and we both coast to a stop. A see the bold black V-TEC painted on the side. I even noticed the proverbial fart can. I'm surely in trouble now.
So contrary to my thoughts of "no way he'll bite", my gut is telling me otherwise. I avoid eye contact, and choose to pay attention to traffic conditions, pedestrians, etc. instead of acknowledging yet another Honda's existence.
Side street lights are turning green to yellow to red.
Cycle through the left turn lane. 3 cars going the opposite direction make their left past us. The light's about to go green.
So I roll up to about 1 PSI and he's about 1/2 car back on me through the intersection. I hear him punch it, and return the favor. The car squats like it's a 10 PSI launch at the track and I'm off like a bullet. In mere seconds he COMPLETELY gives up and falls back into the rest of traffic. There's no way I was going to let a Honda punk think his fart can and V-Tec sticker were enough to challenge a GN. I'm sure he's at home now writing his Santa wish list (bigger fart can, NOS, etc.).

Merry Christmas Everyone!