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Cold natured and boost gage


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Aug 15, 2007
Went to drive my GN in 35 degree weather and let it warm up a little but was not enough. Stalled/shut off when backing out of the garage. Also did it when leaving from my destination after completely cooling off. Had to sit for quite awhile to get it to operating temp before I could drive. Where do I need to look for this symptom?

I also noticed on this drive that the boost gage isn’t working at all. I checked as many vacuum lines as I could find with no obvious problem. My car has the GNX style gages in it but I have not checked the actual gage yet. Any clue to what to look at for this?
Does the boost gauge read from the MAP sensor on a GNX style cluster? I'm pretty sure it does on GN clusters.

What degree thermostat do you have in it?
I believe it to be a 160 thermostat. The GNX style cluster was already in the car when I bought it a few months ago so I don’t know what feeds it.
Sounds like vacuum leak / boost line off. Zip tie it and all the rest. Magic secret of all TR guys.
I checked every vacuum line that I can see and none were off. Not sure which is the boost gage line unless one of the 2 coming from the turbo is it. Those are attached fine.

As for the thermostat, I will check the temp gage next time I start it.
without a pic of the cluster you say thats its gnx style could be old AVC or poston that used VDO mechanical gauges , but could be something more modern
if its old style AVC , boost line should be 1/8" poly (white or clearish) and has to run into the car so look at the firewall where the speedometer cable is
also check the map sensor hose if you have one for any breaks in the 1/8" black plastic line
you may have to look under dash for kinked or broken line
Cold engines need something called cold start enrichment (it's analogous to a choke on a carburetor). Cold start enrichment makes the engine run smooth and strong while it's gradually warming up. It's burned into your chip or it's calibrated in your aftermarket ECU. Without cold enrichment, the engine will want to stall and miss. If it was fine before and now it's not, something has changed. A vacuum leak is likely, or a MAF sensor that's getting old, or a coolant temperature sensor that's reading incorrectly (not reporting cold temps).
If you're new to the platform etc you'll need to create a detailed list on your phone of parts you have on the car or you'll go nuts.
What chip is in it?
You might need to pull the ECM and check, get and write down info then report back.

You'll then want at least a Scanmaster to give you, and the posts for help, more details. Another gremlin could be the IAC or Throttle Body blade screw can be all out of whack etc and knowing what the IAC/ISC number is gives detail into that possible area.

I'd imagine if the vacuum lines are good and internally clear of obstruction/kinks the dash cluster for boost might've just stopped working too so it's an adventure we all go on.

Keep at it
The gage cluster is an AVC and there is a small white line that goes thru the firewall. I am new to having to work on computer controlled vehicles since most of my ‘toys’ have always been carburetor engines. I do know that my car has the ‘hot and spicy’ chip in it. I may assume that the line thru the firewall to the boost gage could be off the back of the gage. I will try to figure out how to pull the cluster out to see for myself.

As for the cold nature startup, I don’t really know where to start with that other than the MAF maybe needs cleaning or replacement.
Finally got off my ass and got the gage cluster pulled out a little from the dash today. The thin white tube was not blown off the boost gage but I still pushed on it to be sure. Drove the car (after letting it warm up a bit) and the gage seems to work ok. I will maybe start a separate thread about the chip to select at later date once I figure out what mods my engine has.