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May 25, 2001
Another fun night at the track. First, a friend's nice LS1 Camaro went 10.53 @ 133 on ET Streets and 99 oct gas. Car has a Vortech and added a new 50 shot last night. Worked pretty well :-)

THEN "$treetking", who has a bad, black "ZO7" (ie 7 litre MTI ;-) vette among many other cars ran his beautiful, black Supra last night. It ran 10.1 @ a scorching 150 mph <gulp>! It has a T72 and a "small" shot of nitrous. Small, uh-huh, nudge-nudge ;-) Note that this is NOT Walser, "the Busa killer". This is another, faster one... Pretty interesting noises from it as it rowed the gears down the track; lots of airflow in, then slamming the compressor hard on each shift. Kinda sounded like a 3 Stooges routine with Curly- AAAAHHHHHH-WhooWhooWhoo-AAAHHHHHH-WhooWhooWhoo-AHH... :-)

Time to get those bottles filled guys- it's "hose or be hosed" out there these days ;-)


you sound all hyped of from the races. :D how does that sound go again? lol, i'm the same way! i can't wait to get the new heads on my Monte and hit the 180 shot (cheater kit) on it. i did some test runs (down my dead end street) before my #3 exhaust vavle seized and MAN did it kick the Monte in the AZZ!! :D :D my brother goes to Peidmont (NC) and Rockingham. he slowest toy is a G-body (Malibu)that goes 13.1 on the motor and went a 7.4 in the 1/8th with 150 spray. he put in the 175 pills and attempted to launch while spraying off the line...wheels lifted, kabaaam!, car dropped, stopped and rolled (the video of this is awesome - seeing a 13 second car lift the wheels...LOL). the amount of torque was so great it snapped one of the 7.5 axles like a toothpick. as these axles are plentiful, a few weeks later he put in another and attempted the same thing....WHAMMOOO! needless to say he needs a stronger rear.
did i mention his fastest toy is a highly modified, lowered, and sretched 1216cc nitrous assisted GSXR1100? it goes 8.3@177mph in the 1/4!! he shots it with a 125 shot (schnitz racing progressive controller). what a ride!!!:D :D
>did i mention his fastest toy is a highly modified, lowered, and sretched 1216cc nitrous assisted GSXR1100? it goes 8.3@177mph in the 1/4!! he shots it with a 125 shot (schnitz racing progressive controller). what a ride!!!

Chee-whawha!! You forgot to mention he's also a bit bent in the head to ride that thing with the hose ;-)

nitrous ride

LOL, yeah...he knows it. actually now he has a professional rider that takes it down the track. the rider weighs in at a miniscule 120 punds....that helps the ET. :) i think it went 8.5 or 8.6 with my brother on it, weighing in at 180 or 190....less weight definately helps ET.
A buddy of mine runs 2 bikes and one is a Outlaw bike! 36psi of turbo boost along with 3 stage N2O! 6.7's @ 198! I have personally never seen it run but he qualified #1 several years ago in Kentucky (?) and got 2nd place for the weekend. He built everything himself except for the frame..
He race's it all by 'feel' with no computer for the clutch, etc.. NUTS!!!:eek:

I have been racing N2O cars for 15 years on N/A cars but never a turbo car....

I crew chief for a buddy who has a 55 Ford PU (3300lbs) and we went 8.93 @ 149.7 last time out.. I LOVE N2O cars!


>>I have been racing N2O cars for 15 years on N/A cars but never a turbo car....

yeah, from what i know, u have to be careful when pressurization is already happening.

oooh damn, that's funny!! what kind of motor is that? who did the turbo setup? any outside pics of the vehicle? thanks! the hamster is funny as anything!! :p
Don't worry guys got us GN guy covered!

Will be posting some pics of this mutant for the first time in 3 years 2800lb 87 with 2 stages of bottle and 7 nozzles on the motor. all for the street. 23lbs of boost and a 200 shot will definitly get your attention at a street light oh did i mention 116,00 on the block! keep your eyes open gor this one laters guys!!!!!!!!!................................BOTLFED;)
*Good lord* I can't wait to hose the new HD, big inch mill! Let's start with the 100 jet and work up until the tires scream for mercy into 3rd ;-) Already thinking about a 2nd stage that switches in with 3rd gear :-) My engine man might make a nice spraybar plate for the BGC intake for the 1st stage, then use the existing fan spray nozzle in the up pipe as the 2nd, high gear stage. Cant wait. Maybe by T'giving. 'Course getting layed off 2 weeks ago has sorta put damper on things *sigh*...

Update- friend's nice LS1 Camaro ups the shot a bit and goes 10.4 @ 139 on the ET Streets... That's the fastest local LS1 right now. Other than $treetking's 149 mph "Z07" that is :-)

Fill the bottles guys and circle the wagons- things are gettin' tough all over out there ;-)

You go BOTLFED! BTW are you my long lost brother?!?
