Could a problem in the EGR sysytem cause a leaned out exhaust valve in #3 cyl ? I'm getting ready to reinstall a rebuild engine that was taken to find a knock problem . we found that #3 exhaust valve was leaned out for some reason .
When I installed the Fel-Pro intake 1200 gaskets . there was no hole for the EGR . So I matched up the gasket to the intake manifold , and cut the little square found on the intake out on to the DS 1200's . is this enough to allow the EGR system to function right ? The stock intake gasket seems to have a larger kiddney shape hole for the EGR . Thanks.
When I installed the Fel-Pro intake 1200 gaskets . there was no hole for the EGR . So I matched up the gasket to the intake manifold , and cut the little square found on the intake out on to the DS 1200's . is this enough to allow the EGR system to function right ? The stock intake gasket seems to have a larger kiddney shape hole for the EGR . Thanks.