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Denaturated Alcohol O2 Sensor Friendly?


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Apr 15, 2003
I have a SMC alky kit and it seems like that whenever I am running the car hard with the alky on, I always get a o2 sensor trouble code. I don't have a sophisticated scan tool so I can't get any readings. Will denatured alcohol hurt the O2 sensor? Also maybe I don't have the alcohol tuned right. I keep the pump speed in the middle and set the alcohol to come on at about 10 lbs of boost. I am running a stock turbo, intercooler, Reds 93 chip, etc. Have a 2800 stall. The best pump gas I can find is 90 octane, so I usually run that with some 104 octane booster.
Well since I have already written a short novel, I'll ask another question. I know that some of you run other alcohols (xylene) rather than denatured. What is the pros and cons of these other types


Also where is the ECM fuse. Is it at the top right corner of the fuse box. Is a 10 amp fuse?
No sensor problems running denatured from anything I've read. I would be more inclined to think the problem is with this octane booster you use. Waste of money. Also, zylene is added to the the gas tank and actually increases octane, and has nothing to do with your alky system which I understand is hard to tune. If you don't have at least a scanmaster, get one before you break your car.
Thanks for the reply. Is a ScanMaster the only scan tool that doesn't require a laptop. I have considered buying a cheap laptop to run scan tool programs. What is the best software out there and what are minimum systems requirements.

Thanks again
I don't have any of those programs. I just use a scanmaster which doesn't require a laptop. Just plug into ALDL connector. I'm sure you're familiar with them. Direct Scan and Turbolink computer programs are good to have, but Scanmaster is just a small unit that gives you real time information, all the time you're driving.
I've never killed an O2 sensor from running denatured or isoprophyl alcohol in the past 7 years of running alchy injection. The 104 octane booster isn't worth the money and isn't doing you any good (been there tried that). That stuff coats the O2 sensor with crap BTW.

Good scantools are Scanmaster, TurboLink, and DirectScan. I use them all and they all work great.

Here's some good reading:




Scantool comparison chart:
OTC Series Scan Tools

Another excellent non-laptop scan tool would be the Mac OTC series.

HTH :)

First off, I'm with Red Regal T on his 104 Octane boost theory. I wouldn't use it, I believe it's been proven to be of no value. Now, let me clarify something and try to steer you a bit. I don't think many people will actually run Xylene in thier alky pumps, in fact NONE that I know about. BUT, like many others I've mixed it in my gas tank at a ratio of about 20% Xylene (and 2 ozs of Dexron per gallon of Xylene) to 80% 93 octane pump gas, (or in your case 90 octane). I've had very good results with that formula. Do a search for Xylene and you'll be rewarded with a wealth of information on the topic. - BB
Do you have an adjustable fuel pressure regulator? It is possible that you get the SES light as an indirect result of extreme rich readings.

Also, if funds are tight and you are handy with electronics (I'm not), then you can build a laptop connector and use a free program called WINALDL. (even I made it!) All you need is a cheap laptop or borrow one.