Disarmanent Underway!

Man those cruise missles sounded WICKED compared to the
feeble attempt of the anti aircraft fire from the ground.
BOOM-BOOM...pop pop pop BOOM BOOM BOOM...pop pop

Just thunder..

That was just the thunder in the distance.. the storm is STILL comin'. I was up from 2am until 5am.... I may have to invest in a coffee maker. This shouldn't last long and I don't wanna miss it.

Any thoughts on if Saddam is dead or not?? He made an allegedly 'live' broadcast shortly after the bombing.
Wife stayed up late last night. Said CNN was reporting that 5 top Iraqi officials suspected dead but not confirmed.
Saddam isn't dead. He has be hiding away since Bush gave the 48 notice in my opinion. He is probably in the same cave as Bin Laden. Bunch of cowards. These guys think they are so tough when they are threatening people from their caves but once someone wants to stand up too them they run and hide and get themselves like 10 doubles. Saddam will die when when of his own people shoots him because they are tired of getting bombed. I heard 17 Iraqi soldiers surrendered yesterday even before the way started and I suspect more will follow.
I hope it at least waits till I'm off at 5 Friday, I dont wanna miss any of it either. I'm really really glad the networks found something better to air than the stupid reality $hit they have on now.

Is the yellow ribon the proper ribon for wartime? I remember it from the '91 war
i kinda dout that he is in a cave. Saddam is too accustomed to living in his palaces. thats just my thoughts, noone can know.
