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Embarassed a 2000 or 2001 GT Mustang


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The Darkside

Heavy Metal Thunder
May 25, 2001
Embarassed a 2000 or 2001 GT Mustang & the driver

I was going to post this kill about a month or so ago, but forgot too, so here it is.

My son met me for lunch one day & as we walked out the front door we noticed a silver Mustang that had a ground kit on it & 2 black stripes on the hood that had GT on them. It was a convertible & I admit it did look nice.
Anyways, I was parked around back & my son was parked in the front near the GT. As I was pulling out I noticed the GT was gone. I pulled out onto the street & my son was waviting for me & pointing ahead. Well, what'ya know,there's the GT going my way:)
So I jump in behind the GT & my son eager to watch a kill, follows me in his '91 RS Camaro.I notice it sounds very healthy & he's got some fat,meaty tires on the back.The rear part of the ground kit says "STALKER" on it where the regular GT's have GT, so I think I'm gonna have to stalk this stalker!!! We're on a 3 lane road that the speed limit is only 50. but it's got some straight shots in it.Well, I follow him till I can get beside him & kinda look over & see he's got his girlfriend or wife with him.I kinda pass him nice & easy & goi ahead by 3 car lengths, but my son jumps in the free lane and kinda revs beside 'em, trying to instigate something. Well the GT jumps on it a little & as soon as he gets beside me I kinda jump in it a little to see if he really wants to play.
He lets off the gas for a second & we're now approaching a red light. We're both slowing down now & as we get closer to the red light it turns green. Now he speeds up beside me in a lower gear & revving his engine. I let him jump on it & he pulls about 2 cars before I floor it & as I'm flying by him I wave bye,bye & put about 7 or more car lengths on him before I shut down!!! I was hoping he would pull up breside me, but instead he slowed down & took a right turn.My son was watching the whole race from behind (of course) & afterwards we pulled over layghing at how bad I left him & what he might be saying to his girlfriend right about now!!!
Guess what? We found out!!!
That's right, my son at that time was working at a Go-cart/batting cage place and he calls me one night & says guess who's here? The silver GT & I'm going to talk to him about that race. I said cool, call me back. He calls back & says he asked the guy what the car had done to it & he says a few things.My son says yea, I saw you race a week or so ago. The guy kinda puffs up & says yea, I race alot, where did you see me?My son says you raced a black car up on TownEast. My son tells me that the guy puts his head down & says "that never happened". Just so happens the guy's girlfriend speaks up & says"was that that really fast black car that beat you?" The guy says slowly whispers yea.He tells my son "I've never been spanked so bad" The guy asked what the "black car" had in it. My son says,"just a six w/ a couple of bolt ons". My son proceeds to educate him on the power of the darkside & tells him if you ever see a Buick w/ a bump on the hood, don't race it. The guy just looks at my son and says,"Don't worry, I won't!!!:D

The Darkside:cool:
Another day, another kill>Porsche 911

I seem to be having some great luck lately in finding someone to race.
This morning I was on my way back from a job 7 since it was just a quick job I decided to take the T out.
Well I'm merging from one hwy onto another & as I'm merging I see a silver Porsche coming right up beside me:) I figured it was an old rich guy who wouldn't even look my way, but as I he was pulling up beside me I see that it's a young guy with a ball cap on & he's smiling and giving the"lets go look". We're probably driving around 65 mph at this time. This is a 4 lane hwy and we're in the 2 middle lanes, but up ahead there's a car in my lane, so The Porsche moves over to the inside lane & I move over right beside him.
Well he takes off & gets a 1/2 car on me & then I'm in it!!! I reel him in real quick & put 2 cars on him up to around 80-90 mph when I see a car moving over into my lane up ahead & even more traffic up coming up, so I get over in front of him & let him enjoy the view from his very expensive sports car!!!!
I then pull over back into my lane & wait to give him a thumbs up for trying.He does pull up & he's shaking his head & smiling & it looks like he's talking to himself. Anyways, he's a gracious loser & he throws me a couple of revs, so I'm thinlking he might wanna go again & folow him, but traffic stayed to thick to play & he exited after a few miles.I waved at him and he nodded.
It was fun & although my car didn't feel right when I got into high gear, it was enough to show him the power of the darkside & that's what really matters.

The Darkside:cool:
I'll bet the guy in the mudstain was scared to death after he heard the 3" single shot just screaming behind him. One of my friends has that exhaust on his TR and it is louder than my car with the dump cap off! :D

Good kills bud!
Yea, he told my son he wasn't sure what I had because it was so loud, but thought he could beat me anyway.(Surprised him, didn't I!!!):D

The Darkside:cool:
Originally posted by The Darkside
Yea, he told my son he wasn't sure what I had because it was so loud

lol. everytime my lil bro took a ride with me, he'd always complain about how loud the single shot was, but he loves to go cruisin wit me ridin' shottie.
anyways, nice kill!!
Hey Darkside, from Forney right? Did you ever get that alky kit tuned in? Sounds like the car is running great!
rb68rr: Well, the SMC alchy kit does great up till I hit overdrive, then it bogs/chugs/sputters, etc & a puff of black smoke come out the exhaust & the car really slows down, so I'm still trying to get it 100% right. I just put on a big mouth cold air kit, an LT1 maf & translator+ w/ the extender chip, so between the alchy kit & trans.+/extender chip, I've got alot of knobs to tune with & alot to learn.

The Darkside:cool:
Did you notice a difference with the big mouth cold air kit? I've thought about getting one for a while. Where bouts in Forney do you live? I'd like to stop by sometime and talk Buicks. Thanks, R.B.
Re: Embarassed a 2000 or 2001 GT Mustang & the driver

Originally posted by The Darkside
I was hoping he would pull up breside me, but instead he slowed down & took a right turn.

The Darkside:cool:

Ahhhh, the infamous "right turn". Funny how many of those happen after a good spankin'. :p
Originally posted by rb68rr
Did you notice a difference with the big mouth cold air kit? I've thought about getting one for a while. Where bouts in Forney do you live? I'd like to stop by sometime and talk Buicks. Thanks, R.B.

Well, since I did a few mods all at once it is hard to tell how much of a gain I got just from the big mouth kit. I know it's a great looking kit & I can sure hear it sucking air, so I'm sure it has helped with performance. I've also noticed my mat temps are same as the temp outdoors!!!
E-mail me @ & leave your phone # I'll call you & we'll figure out when we might get together.

The Darkside:cool:
Good racin stories!!! I've been out the past couple of nites lookin for something to race and can't find anything. The nite weather is nice and cool, and I've been tryin to put some BUICK POWER on somethin so I can finally post a story in this section. Hpoefully I'll get to write a story before I put my GN away next weekend for the winter. :( Tarey D.

I hate to say it but those new 2000-2001 Mustangs are pretty slow. They may look pretty but that is about it. My could still beat them with my stock 89 Mustang 5.0 with 140,000 miles on it.:D :D