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Experimental Alcohol Kit


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May 25, 2001
Hey guys, I am going to attempt to build a new type of kit. It has probably already been done...I am considering using a pressurized bottle...HIGH Pressure...I have some monitor tester bottles that used to have high pressure gasses in them to test for all type of oil field safety devices, they are nice aluminum, skinny and long...I am wondering if I can pressurize the tank with alky, and air, put them on a pressure switch run a nozzle...and then connect a few warning lights etc...I might be able to rig up a light on a pressure guage to alert me of pressure drop and time for bottle refill. I have PLENTY of bottles, maybe 15 or so, I will go talk to a few places in town tomorrow and see if it is possible to have these valves modified. it would be cool though... Pressurized bottle...I mean high presure, no pumps, nice tight lines, constant pressure, and a guage warning... I dunno we will see. Anyone have any tips? Ever done this? Kind of a poor mans Nitrous/Alky Kit hybrid....
Plus as the fluid level goes down the pressure will drop. One guy even hooked up a small compressor with pressure switch to keep the bottle pressure up. Then you have the concern on how much fluid the bottle will hold.
It can be done.

Good ideas.

I was thinking about it last night and the thought of an accident passed me by also. Ok, well...I guess I can use the tanks for a resivoir, I have plenty of them. Hmmm I guess I can go with the F-150 pump, lifetime warranty right? Also, where do I get a boost switch? Whats the best adjustable one? Are there any sites to home made kits? I'd like to make the pump speed adjustable, but that would be complicated. I'd rather just buy Steve's kit but I am short for cash now due to bills. :( Thats ok... Any ideas guys?
I just ordered a Jay carter kit and it uses a Hobbs switch to control pressure. When I get it I can email you a picture of it. There has to be a place where you can buy these switches.
You can get a HOBBS switch at any place that deals with air brakes. They come in N/O N/C or both. Set mine at 10psi with a digital boost gauge used to set wastegates.
I'm almost positive when Steve first started playing with alky he was using a co2 tank to run his system, you might ask him about that once he gets back online, I'm sure he would have some pointers.
Any time you pressurize some thing you create heat.pressurizing a flammable liquid could [will] go boom at some point.
Steve's original kit was exactly what you're trying to do. I guess there must have been some problems with doing that as he switched to a different design.

Regarding pressure switches, Hobb switches are garbage and I would never sink that low to use those things. The switches I use are 100 times better in both quality and reliability than a Hobbs switch. You can contact Dan at OGS, he probably has some extras laying around.
I gave up...

Well, I need a reliable and safe kit, and so I will get one from SMC, instea dof riggin gup something that sould prove to be