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FAST status light?


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No, there isn't. What status are you interested in monitoring? Maybe there's a way to do it.
Well I would be interested in rigging something that mimicked the Check Engine light.
Pesky California SMOG check, ya know.

I already had a plan, but figured if the ECU already had something, no reason to duplicate it.
If you wanted, you could use one of those 5-prong relays for your fuel pump, then connect the other output (the "center" prong) to the check engine light so that it comes on whenever your fuel pump is off...

-Bob Cunningham
A very good idea, something I didn't think about. Thanks.

I was thinking a Hobbs switch that was set to open at a low vac, setting and a bypass switch for the 99.999% that I didn't need to worry about the Check Engine light.

But I think Bob's idea sounds like a cleaner setup.