Firefox browser has been updated. Try it out i think you will like it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
Download it and give it a try. I just did this morning and so far i like it. If for some reason you feel it's not for you just delete it and continue with the browser you have been using. ;) :)

After you get the new browser. Go to your favorite site/s and see if it makes it better. And let us know what you think. download&utm_content=A144_A634_A006514&gclid=CPnUruLX49UCFRU-gQodfT0JDA&gclsrc=d
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There may be a bit of a trust factor at work here.

Not implying that a fellow member would have any ulterior motives, but just blindly opening a link, posted by someone who tout's the greatness of something, has led to many 'a computer's problems/crashes/takeovers........

Jus' sayin'. :eek::eek::eek:
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I was up to 55.x and found it extremely bloated, plus the new version no longer supports plug-ins or add-ons. I reverted back to 50.1...
I've posted many links here over the years and no one has ever said that they had caused them any problems.

I wouldn't post a link here to something if I thought it would cause anyone a problem with their PC.
I would hope that everyone has some kind of protection for their PC. No matter what link they decide to click on, on the net.

I was just thinking some would like to try a different browser than what they have been using,that may be causing them problems of getting on sites,making posts or general surfing of sites.

I've been using firefox browser for many years before they did this recent upgrade without any problems as well as other browsers. I have 4 different browsers downloaded that I use and not have a problem with any of them. It's just that some seem to work better on certain sites than the others do.

Like I said give it a try and see if you like It, if not delete it and continue using what you do like.:)
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