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fuel pump jumper wire (as mentioned in DIY instructions)


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Jun 3, 2001
Okay, I was reading the DIY instructions and noticed this method of wiring the relay: Pole #86 goes to fuel pump jumper which prevents the system from activating unless the fuel pump is running. Is this necessary?

If so, does anyone know, on a hotair car, is the green plug that is just sitting there on the driver's side/front of the engine near/under the coilpack, the fuel pump jumper? This would be probably beneath the alternator on a 86/87. I think it is, but just wanted to verify.

Also, with this method of wiring, is it an issue to use a mityvac to adjust turn on setting on hobbs switch? Do you have to do it when the car is running?
The way mine is wired now, Im using ign pwr, not pwr only when the fuel pump is on, so adjusting is a no brainer. just turn key, pump the mityvac, and watch turn on light and boost gauge to see where hobbs switch is set at.

P.S. This jumper wire gives 12V when car is running/fuel pump is on, right?
You can try and build safety circuits in line with the drive to the pump..only problem you run into if the safety circuit dont spray.

I'm of the belief its not needed, tho I would use an IGN source for the pump power. The pump max will be approx 10 a high power car stereo.

Pump cant work if the IGN isnt on. If you feel you dont want to tax your fuse box, then run a relay of the battery and have the IGN trigger the relay.

Dont complicate it.. else you get set back. the nice thing bout DIY is just can make it however you like..but too much engineering can complicate a simple couple hours task.

This is a link to a simple install I did,

Aside from the controller... KISS is the best principal
You're right about the pump activation light allowing you to set your hobbs switch. I never used anything else to set "turn on". Before I had a lite set up inside my car, I just put a bulb up on my cowl to watch when my pump activated.

I have my system hooked to the green wire. Haven't thought about it for a long time but I guess the idea is you don't want your alky running unless the car is running. Alky pump could inadvertently get power and be pumping from some other power source. This is just an additional safety switch, if you will. Of course, it's not necessary to hook up this way. It's your DIY. :D
Thanks Steve. I put my kit together so long ago I don't know what the hell I did. :confused: