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GN Vs Ninja


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9sec 17MPG Street Car
Staff member
Sep 24, 2001
I like to tell this story once in a while;)
I was on my way home from working swing shift one summer and it was a monday night about 12:00 I had raced my car the day before and had it set on kill with slicks and C16. I noticed a bike behind me trying to get along side. Then when i came to the stop light on this nice new paved road this guy was along side of me reving his splatter bike up. I thought this guy has no idea that he is picking on the wrong car LOL He must have had his nuts over the gas tank trying to keep that bike from flipping over:eek: All i could see was his headlight pointing up in the tree,s trying to keep up HEhe. He turned off on the next road that was a deadend im sure just because he didnt want to face me at the next light.
Hey Gene-

You forgot the best part of the story. Why don't you tell these readers what kind of times your car was running at the track in this trim. You're a sick sick man Gene, hah hah.
Always nice to tear up a bike. Especially one such as that, though you do have an amazing car. Excellent kill.
I am curious as to how many days after your track visit you drive around on slicks?

Of course that car is probably a death wish on drag radials
The cars did a best in this trim of 9.90 with a 1.36 60ft and 136mph;) And this was the weekend before that i had went 10 teens.
That was my stock block setup running on the edge;)
I drove the car alot on slicks just around my area and only live 4 or 5 miles from work...
Great Kill, again.

I remember the first time you posted this. I was like HOLY SH!T!!!!

That was back when you had "9:90 stock block" under "geno".

What's going on with the car today? Stage II? Still running stock block?
I have a S1 block,steel crank,Carillo rods. I built it to run 10 flat and its went 9.97 and i dont have to babysit the stock parts anymore:) The car is not legal for 9,s so its right were i want it:)
Drove it 530 miles and ran 10.14 and no trailer required:cool:
I remember this kill!

Beating up on bikes is NOT very nice Geno! What if you were on a crotch rocket and saw some guy in a green "Monte" walk by you?! You would probably feel like this ~~~~ :confused: :mad: :(

Geno aka "A Bad man";) :D :) :cool:
Originally posted by geno
I have a S1 block,steel crank,Carillo rods. I built it to run 10 flat and its went 9.97 and i dont have to babysit the stock parts anymore:) The car is not legal for 9,s so its right were i want it:)
Drove it 530 miles and ran 10.14 and no trailer required:cool:

Un friggin real! This is why I bought one fo these cars...."Can't stop shaking my head!"

Man I would have loved to be in there with you when you blasted the bike...Just to damm funny!

Is your car back together?

And oh yhea nice kill. I remember the first time yould me that story and thinking WOW!

I've raced one bike on the interstate and killed him however, I was driving my buddies TT Supra. That was fun:D

Geno, I guess I haven't talked to you enough yet to hear this story. I am still wanting to stop by your place and shoot the **** with you. Are you planning to join us for "dyno day" at Monsters?

I will be going and i hope Dennis will also go:)