I just installed a turbo, valve springs, thermostat, and XP fuel pump. I already have a volt booster, and hot wire kit. The turbo is a TA-61 but I'm running the stock elbow for a couple of more weeks. Anyway, ran the car and everything looks good on Direct Scan, except that I'm running a little rich. The problem is that I don't have ANYTHING down low, it takes forever to build any boost. If I put my foot on the brake at a stop and mash the gas, it only builds up to about 3 pounds of boost and than that's it.
It's just not spooling up or something, can't even overpower the brakes
On a long straight, it revs really slow and then eventually gets up to 16 or so pounds of boost, but there is just nothing down low. All my lines seem to be tight and everything runs normal, just no power. At 16-17 pounds of boost I had no knock, just took forever to get there. What's going on here? Any help would be appreciated.