Had fun down here in Tucson


Resident Smart A$$
Aug 30, 2001
Made it to the track today for test n tune. had a nice showing of 3 TTA's. My personal bests were 13.332 and 110.21mph, with a stuck wastegate puck and really lousy 60' times. Overall we all had a great time.
Hey Chris, I got my wastegate fixed and did a Direct Scan run up to about 60mph, It was a full second quicker than my runs at the track. 0-60 in 4.1sec leaving with 7psi and not spinning.
Excellent news! The track is open again this weekend - 12th. I'm gonna do a leak-down test and decide whether or not to head on out there based on the results. Maybe some day I'll get this thing to go fast.;)
I can't believe Brett's car went 13.20 on street radials! Damn!
Yea, that was pretty good, he has about the same mods as me, except a couple. I would be interested to see if my chip/computer/DirectScan could get his to run the same times as mine. Go ahead and ask him if he wants to try, I am willing. (the computer on mine already has the end removed and cleaned for DS) Don't know if I will be making it back out to the track as I am trying to save as much money as possible since I am low man on the totem pole at Bombardier and I am sure you heard about the layoffs, havent been hit yet but could easily get it next round which would only give me about 3 more months of a job.
I know a lot of people at Bombardier who are awaiting termination. I can't imagine how that must suck. Are you in the interior dept.?
Nope, Global Express structures. Nearly everybody I work with has been there 6 months or less, and my department didn't get hit at all the first round of layoffs except the contractors. Really don't know if I will be safe or not, kind of a crapshoot.