Happy Birthday GNSteve

Happy B-day Steve. Why you did not tell us on Friday I would had brought you a cake and some candles and sing happy birthday! :D
Hey, another old guy!

J/K. Didn't know we were the same age, Steve. Have a great B-day!

Happy B-Day Steve!

Bring your car down to the track next time we get together, along with some race gas! :D

Thanks guys...

Yeah, another year older...I guess as you get older you tend to "overlook" your birthday, if you know what I mean.;)
Thanks for all the well-wishes, though.
Also, it was really nice to finally meet most of you guys at the track on the 16th. Good to be able to place a face along with the post, especially when it concerns a bunch of really nice people.
Once again, thanks for the B-day well wishes. Hope to see you guys again real soon.

Happy Birthday Steve

Hey Steve,
Hope you have a GREAT!!!:D B-Day. Well I guess we will have to do the cake & candle & Sing Happy Birthday on our next Friday meeting.:D And Thanks again for all the help you give me (and I need all the Help I can get):p I really appreciate it. Have a GREAT B-Day!!!!:)
