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New Member
Oct 1, 2007
I have an 84 GN with 65k miles. I can start it up, it will idle ok, but when I shift into drive, it starts bogging and laboring to turn over. I cannot figure out what could be causing this. I read on a thread somewhere that a vaccum leak will cause rough idle. Is there a vaccum line to the transmission on these cars? Or could it be something else? Any helpful information is greatly appreciated. I'm wanting to get it running right so I can drive it to some shows this summer and do other things with it.
Take a rubber mallet and tap on the cat, if it sounds like sand in there, the tell will be as you throttle up it will bog down. Otherwise I would be looking hard at the plugs or wires.
Also do you have a scanmaster or scantool? you might want to look at what ur IAC is putting out. but I would really suspect the cat or plugs or wires from the symptoms ur describing