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Out with the good, In with the Bad!
Feb 2, 2011
Became a proud owner of my 87 GN Feb. of this year, so new to the buick experience. But we finally have a fluke here in Michigan last Sunday and we get a high 70's sunny day. So I decide to take the car on it's 1st feel her out cruise and give her a bath at the local spray wash. Figure I'd drive a bit and dry her off. Spot a bright red car doing the zigzag behind me trying to catch up. When he does we are both turning right and there is a light 1/4 mile up. I know this road and know the light will be red by the time we get there, sure enough he gets in the left lane and gets in and out of it to let know there will a National going down soon. Now being my first ride in my "new" car I was a little worried. But reading the post's here I just told myself, drop down to 2nd, bring up the boost, and let her do her stuff...and man what stuff.. light turns green and I sling shot out of the hole while he's back there burning his tires... got 3 cars on him, hit 3rd and 16lbs of boost and I'm at the next light with a big Sh*tin grin on my face. He pulls up gives me a half hearted thumbs up and gets in the left turn lane to go lick his wounds. It's not the best kill.. But it's my first with my GN and won't ever forget it. :D
Good first kill:D

I just leave mine in "D" and let the gas peddle do the rest...:rolleyes:

On the street I do the same. But at the track I do my burnout and launch in 2nd so that the transmission has higher line pressure. I read somewhere that it's best to do that.
On the street I do the same. But at the track I do my burnout and launch in 2nd so that the transmission has higher line pressure. I read somewhere that it's best to do that.

Huh....I'll have to try that...maybe:D...I just don't like having to think about shifting at the track.