hood mounted fuel press gage


Active Member
May 25, 2001
Hey folks, looking for a hood mounted fuel pressure gage setup. What are my options for a cool looking and functional setup?
I have a make shift one on now but looking for a quality looking setup.

I've had the KB setup on my GN for the better part of ten years and it's worked flawlessly in all climate conditions. It's a VDO gauge, BTW.
So is KB the only one that offers a premium setup? Has their service gotten any better? I hav'nt dealt with them in over 7 years.

Ever think of making more of those brackets and marketing them?
If you have an "extra" one lying around I would love to buy it off you ;)
I just made a set up and it looks killer.

the only thing i bought from KB was the holder cup $20.00, his gauge is worth but S**** but that is my own opinion, then i went to a performance shop and bought the 21/6 fuel pressure gauge from autometer $44.00, and whalla, the Kit from kenny bell requires drilling hole on the hood, which i did not want, so i bought heavy duty double sided tape and it works perfect, that thing wont come off even if your going 200mph, which ours cars will never do ;) , and i did not have to drill holes on my hood or anywhere else, if you want some pics i can email them to you, just email me at matanovich@hotmail.com I think my set up looks good.

(Celebrity Dr. Evil impersonation)

I just took a piece of cardboard and bent it till it looked pretty close then transferred that to aluminum. It took some time but it was pretty easy. Mine requires no holes, uses the hood lamp holes plus I added two others. You could simply add rivnuts instead to have it just as secure through the factory holes. As for the contours on the sides, that is just a paint can radius blended into the width of the gauge clamp opening.

I'd make them but it isn't worth the money. Wanna pay $100 for one? (J/K) I make every bracket and gadget for my car I can.

I'm trying to do the exact same type of mount - one that utilizes the holes for the underhood lamp.

Did you find that you had to come over towards the left at all, or did you do a straight shot right from the bolt holes to the cowl?

Originally posted by QuickWE4

Did you find that you had to come over towards the left at all, or did you do a straight shot right from the bolt holes to the cowl?


Straight shot.

I forgot something. I added an adel clamp (rubber coated aluminum P clamp) to hold the line in place so I didn't bung up my hood trim. That was an extra hole (forgive me).
i also have a kb hood mount, i like it very much and is of good quality.i really like the light, easy to see at night.