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How hard to convert chip to 85 maf?


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Jun 22, 2001
Let's just assume that I have a chip that is meant for the 86/87 ecm that is perfect for my combo. I want to upgrade to the 86/87 ecm but I don't want to put up the big money to go to the expensive maf. Would it be difficult for someone like me to change the maf tables or whatever is neccisary to make it work?

On a second note, if it is doable by the average joe, does the thrasher have an anti copy code? I in no way intend to steal their code, I would like to purchase one and change it over to the 84/85 maf so that I have a good chip while I'm learning to program my own.

Thanks guys
Unless you plan to spend a lot of time learning assembly code and reversing the Thrasher, you're wasting your time. None of the commercial "Chips In A Box" programs will allow you to modify the Thrasher and get the desired results.

As far as running 85 MAFs with 87 ECMs, it can be done. I've done it for a lot of people. It gets a little iffy with any injector larger than 40# but anything below that, it works fine.
Ok, I figured as much. on a scale of 1-10 1 being easiest how hard would it be to change a stock 86/87 chip over to maf. I really enjoy computer programming, and have always wanted to burn my own chips.
I don't really know, but there are the 6 MAF tables in the chip, starting around 6C6 according to TurboDave's spreadsheet. I always kinda figured that changing these values to the values that are in the '85 chip was what it took to run the '85 MAF with an '86/87 chip/ecm. But I certainly don't know that, I'm just guessing. There may be a lot more to it, or you may not need to touch these tables at all, just trying to give you a place to start looking.
