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How to tune alky with my combo


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Mar 4, 2002
Friday was a good day for me. I had my SMC alky installation completed (dual nozzle), and while I was at my mechanics I had the motor mounts done (HRParts,, Polys). All I can say is, Holy sh*&t, What the f*&k, my god it's alive!! Ed and Mike at Rons Auto fabricated a great bracket to house the alky tank. It ended up away from the turbo and on the cooler side of the engine. Between the quality of the kit and great custom fabrication the hole thing looked almost stock. I'll post pictures later this week when my web site finally goes up. I'm keeping it concervative for now, default SMC settings and only 17lbs of boost. My question is what is the best way to tune for maximum performance. I hit about 17lbs boost, 5x's testing, and no knock with 93. Good Golly Miss Molly, what can I expect on the maxed out side of tuning?

PS: Thanks Steve at SMC, real quality workmanship on the kit. :D

My current chip is a Red Armstrong 93 chip, burned for my current combination. I'm not to sure of the timing. The car runs great with the RA93 chip. I do understand that Jim Testa makes a great Alky chip. I will assume the timing is more aggresive. I'm in the process of finding out how to obtain one of his chips.
I started out with a red's 93, and liked it. I have moved to the red's 100, it has a bit more timing but it makes the turbo spool instantaneously. You just have to play with it to find the right tune. With the 100 I did have to bring in the alky earlier (around 10lbs), but I am running about 19lbs of boost with a pump speed of 5.5. Oh, and this is on 91 octane.
I second the Reds 100 chip, it shoud have about 24* timing in it and be great for alky. use. :)

I bought one supposedly used but it has 27* timing and I think it's really a 107 or 108 chip.

I use it anyway at lower boost around 19 psi. with the stock injectors and turbo.
Since you have it wirking now, tuning is a snap.

1. Decide where you want it to turn on at. With a 93 chip set the t/o point high, like 13-14psi. With a higher timing chip you may need to turn the alcohol on earlier if you get transitional knock.

2. Since you have zero knock now, turn up the boost in 1# increments until you tickle the knock gauge.

3. Then turn your pump speed up until the knock is 0.0

4. repeat this process until you have the pump speed near 10.

5. If you want more boost still, try adding distilled water to the mix and see if you can run more boost. Go 90/10, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50. and see if you can run more boost at a given pump speed.

6. Have fun!

Thanks guys. I've decided to get a Red's 100 chip and a Testa chip, I'll combine it with the step by step tune tips blackbuick87 was kind enough to include. Weather permitting tomorrow I will begin by increasing the t/o point to 13 or 14 psi and creep the boost up followed with a touch of pump. My last two questions (this time), first do you guys run it armed at all times or do you turn it on when you anticipate the need for speed? Second, where did all the muscle cars go? It feels like I finally got the car running real strong and on my way home I can't find a stang or vet to play with, just a friendly game of King of the Red Light. Thanks for all the help.
King of the Red Light I love that game. :D

Too much traffic around here to do much else. 0-55 rules. :)

Mine is always on and I prime it when I first pull out on the street and make sure it slightly bogs the engine and the alky is flowing and the pump and nozzle still work.

Always check it when running high boost.

Daily routine, BSTC and the SMC kit are always on never touch the power switches. Both items are part of the tune.
Mine is always on and I prime it when I first pull out on the street

Priming as a form of insurance sounds about right especially at high boost. I just have to figure out how to carry the extra gallon of alky in the trunk. I don't want it to splash around back there. Oh well, the trials and tribualtions of speed.
Thanks for the help
Even priming it mine lasts 2-3 weeks in the winter and at least a week in the summer.

Unless you are doing multiple tuning runs on the empty on ramp. ;)

Once the low level light comes on in a pinch you can add a cup or two of water to the tank with decent results.

I'm not overly anal about the mixture close to 50/50 works for me. :)

If I had to run straight water in a pinch I would simply lower the boost on the BSTC about 3-4 psi.
I carry my alky around in 2 liter bottles with the Coke labels peeled off. You never know when you're gonna need it.
Alan, is that the chip I sold you? If so, I asked Red for a 100 and I think that is what he stamped on the top of it.

I knocked like a SOB when I tried to use that chip with 93 octane and my alky but I didn't have time to tune it before....well....the drive shaft incident.

I hope it works better for you :-)

Sounds like you have it going well.
Could be, who are you? lol

Forgot your real name. :) Don't remember your screen name.

I only went by the paper that came with it and what the direct scan said at WOT. 27* timing.

No biggy I still use it in the GN at lower boost and it goes good.

I will be upgrading injectors and new chip this spring with the turbo swap anyway. I hate stock injectors.

I must say I took your advice and bought the Dynotech aluminum driveshaft, got the MMC composite one.

Whoooeeee sure is pretty and looks STRONG.

Good company to deal with too.

Thanks for the info. for that deal. :)
Gr82baGN Be carefull there is a lot of oxygen in the New Jersey air at these temperqatures. Once knock starts, it is less forgiving when it is cold out. This is not the best time for tuning alchy, or even racing actually...

Just take it slow, no major changes at one time is what you shoulds do.

You may need to turn the boost, or the alchy down when the temps rise.

Understood. Cool weather is great, Cold weather is bad. Dam those o2's. I'm actually going to wait a couple of weeks before I start tuning. I'm real happy with the way the engine is running right now and I don't want to ruin things. My mechanic gave me the same warning with the exact same reason. I'll keep the boost at 17 with alky set to kick in at 10 and when the temps get around 45-55 degrees I'll start tuning. This 20 and 30 degree weather is killing me. Thanks for the "warning". :)