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Index racing at the GS Nats


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Staff member
May 25, 2001
There will be 2 index classes at the Nats this year... 11.49 and a 10.49. Both are heads-up and pro tree. This is the group effort between Patrick B. (SloGN) and myself. It will start with a minimum 300 purse and ALL entry fee monies will be added to increase the purse per entry. It will also pay back 4 places (winner, r/up, and semis). So basically the total purse will be based on class sponsors and number of entries. The class has one simple rule.... dont go faster than your specific index time. This class is open to all buick makes GS, GN, etc... more details to come. This allows for really tight racing and doesnt matter how fast ur car is.
Sounds GREAT!!!!!

How much will the entry fee be?????

and what day will this be run?????

You guys are AWESOME!!!!!!!
That is awesome! Something I can race in:)
Any rules? Would be cool to do it on a pro tree. Didn't see what tree you all were plan on using

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Heads up / pro tree on all. Only rules are dont break out. Thats it. Rules are a big part of problems in other classes so why set yourself up for something bad make it open for most everyone
I think there should be a rule against delay boxes or throttle stops. You never know what someone will do.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Nope.... delay boxes wont help on a pro tree. Most Buick racers have very little knowledge or have ever raced in a buick index race. Its all about running a specific ET not unlike bracket racing. All about the driver and not how much $$$ or horsepower someone has
Cool. I can see a delay box not doing anything. The index races at the local Streetcar events we have here are actually very fun. Fun to watch too.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Just makes for good & different racing. Hell we wanna do tag team but not sure i can get that one pushed thru
Definitely. I was not planning on going to the Nats because my car don't fit any classes. This opens it up to many cars now.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app

I think between the 2 index's A LOT of people FIT!!!!!

see ya at the RACES!!!!!