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initial setting?


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mean old man
May 25, 2001
If I raise the initial setting, will I get more alky? I have it all set to factory from Razor. Get a bit of knock in 3rd WOT. Gain is all the way up. Car makes about 375-400 at the wheels. Single nozzle,size, what ever it came with.
after reading Razor's tuning trend, looks like i am correct. Just turned it up a hair. Will test it tomorrow.
after reading Razor's tuning trend, looks like i am correct. Just turned it up a hair. Will test it tomorrow.
Yes it will.. but thats a lot of alcohol for a car making that power. I would add fuel and fatten it up.

Or have the pump checked for pressure output. If it goes red-green very quick its more than likely ok and you need more fuel.
Yes it will.. but thats a lot of alcohol for a car making that power. I would add fuel and fatten it up.

Or have the pump checked for pressure output. If it goes red-green very quick its more than likely ok and you need more fuel.
It does go red-green fast. Kit is 7-8 months old. I will have to learn how to tune with the chip and scanmaster. Old car had a FAST.
It does go red-green fast. Kit is 7-8 months old. I will have to learn how to tune with the chip and scanmaster. Old car had a FAST.
Then go back to basics. Put a fuel pressure guage on top of the dash, mark with a piece of tape where its suppossed to go.. and make sure its delivering 1 psi increase per 1 psi boost. So if you run 43 PSI base pressure and 22 psi boost= 65 psi fuel pressure. Put tape onthe 65 mark and make sure the needle goes and stays there.

Then go into the chip and add fueling through programming if needed.

If you lean the motor out it will get knock. The alcohol then is covering up a lack of fuel issue. The fix is not increasing the delivery of methanol but adding fuel to get the car on target.

Yes use alcohol for knock control, but use fuel for air fuel adjustments. With the knob cranked up to 8 you have enough methanol to support easy 500 rwhp. No need to increase past that until the car is in the 10's. Keep the o2's in the 800's and see how it responds.
just got back from a drive. I had not messed with the chip or scanmaster befor now. Very easy stuff. I added 10% to the WOT fuel. No more more knock and my O2 # is up to 775.
just got back from a drive. I had not messed with the chip or scanmaster befor now. Very easy stuff. I added 10% to the WOT fuel. No more more knock and my O2 # is up to 775.

Add a little more and get it higher. Plenty of time to lean it out. But do so at a track where conditions are optimal.

Glad its coming together :D