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is it terminal, Dr.?

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after i bought my T type i became aware of a slight buzz in the motor around 2500 -3500 RPM. i talked to some people and a motor builder and i came to the conclusion that it is a loose wrist pin. i asked them if it was serious and these are the answers i got from them: the mechanics said "you might want to get that fixed before you play with the boost at all". the engine builder, who is in my GN club and is verry experienced, said "oh its just a loose wrist pin. as long as it dosent get louder, you will be fine. dont worry about it. mod your car."

what i want to know is what YOU guys think. is it a big deal? should i worry about it? my car has 111k miles if it helps u decide.
it would be peechy if i could run 12's for a little while with this buzz, because i cant afford a rebuild at my age with my job among the other things i need to rebuild on my car (like trans and suspension stuff)
ok sorry for dragging it on:rolleyes:
i thought i had a wristpin noise too ...sounded just like one but found that my timing chain tensioner was broke and it was the chain slapping.

mine wasent a gm tensioner but one from advance...i put a used gm one in it and noise got alot quieter
I would honestly say the if you mod your car, you will be putting more stress and it will fail sooner, if you dont mod it, it will still fail. Your best bet will be to baby it as long as you can untill you can afford to rebuild it and hopefully you dont destroy the block in the process and can save some money on the rebuild.
I would honestly say the if you mod your car, you will be putting more stress and it will fail sooner, if you dont mod it, it will still fail. Your best bet will be to baby it as long as you can untill you can afford to rebuild it and hopefully you dont destroy the block in the process and can save some money on the rebuild.
f it is the wrist pin, rebuild it now before it blows the crank, maybe break a few rods or pistons, send metal through the turbo, score the cylinder wall beyond repair etc. You can go from a $1500 freshen up to a $3500 rebuild in less than a second.

I have to agree with SCOTT here in that if, it is in fact, a loose wrist-pin then you are looking for more trouble by letting it go longer without repair. I've never really heard or seen a wrist pin just get loose like that but I have seen where people don't press them in correctly and/or not put in the clips and MAN, it does QUITE a job on the cylinder wall. IF it goes on long enough consider your block ruined as happened to my friends 383 SBC in a Monte SS.
I TOLD him to take apart the motor...nah, i'll just drive it easy...etc, etc. 6 months later and a tear down - the block is useless!!
I also have to mention that REDS is right on schedule with the timing chain idea. I've seen that a LOT MORE OFTEN. ONE good indication that your wrist pin is loose and hitting the cylinder wall is that as it wears down eventually AND your car will smoke more and more and MORE. HTH...

John C.
LedSLED Motorsports
ok. what i think im gonna do is im gonna do the timing chain some day soon and see if thats it. if its not that, i will hafto do a freshin up on my motor. what is the best way to do this? what parts consist in a freshin up?
All I can say is, HOLY $#!T.

Your, um, 'experienced' GN engine builder just got downgraded in front of about 10,000 viewers.

oh its just a loose wrist pin. as long as it dosent get louder, you will be fine. dont worry about it. mod your car.

Holy $#!T...
well keep in mind that he did not say it a casually as i may have taken it. this is the internet and voicial expresions cant be heard. i dont think he said "mod your car" either. i dont know it was a long time ago, and i wouldnt even think he was a bad machinest for a seccond because it is a VERRY respected shop and every one i know w/ their work is verry happy with it. plus they are one of the only shops around that REALLY do the buick motors right.

any wayz, back to the main point..........