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L/U converter on a trans modified for Non-L/U


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May 25, 2001
Going through my sister in laws garage I found my old trans I forgot about. It is either the one out of my 85 T-Type or a 86 T-Type I had. I modified it for non-L/U when I had a 9" Art Carr. I swapped the trans out for the other trans with a stock converter when I sold the 9". It has been sitting (mostly) covered in the back of the garage for the last 8-9 years.

Can I use a L/U converter on this trans without an issue (no lockup of course)? The trans in the car right now lost 2nd gear so this would be a temporary swap till I get it rebuilt early next year.

All the holes except the dipstick tube were capped. there is some fluid in the pan and it looks good (not burnt) so if I remeber right this trans was still good.
Doing some searching it looks like it won't work. I know it was the Art Carr N/L valve so the pump was modified and the tcc sol is gone.

Guess I try and find a cheap non-l/u to get the car on the road till I can do it right.
I nothing but positive things to say about my REDNECK 2800 NL converter.

About 300 bucks shipped see listings on EBAY.
You're correct, it wont work.
Install a Lockup TC in a Non-Lockup Trans and the TCC will Lockup any time the Engine is running, in all Gear positions.