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T6P.Com/ Administrator/Webmaster
Staff member
May 27, 2001
Keeping this thread locked.. its strictly for information purposes.

1 - Better spam protection installed and configured. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of spam thats popped up.

2 - Thread level user banning. Should be useful in the political section.

3 - Shoutbox

4 - Ability to move to the top of each thread. See the blue arrow at the bottom of your screen when you're on This is a much improved version over the last functionality we had like this.

5 - Rebuilt the stock search database so the search function works again. This is just temporary until the install of Sphinx can be completed.

6 - Spinx has been installed. Searching is much quicker and tremendously more gentle on resources. Removed search wait time between searches.

7 - Installed new banner rotating software for the vendors. Now Im just trying to figure out how to use it.
Changed Ebay fetching to only happen once a day, at midnight.
Starting work on the mobile app this week and going to try to get banners re-incorporated.
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