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Max HP on Alky/Water?


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New Member
Jun 2, 2003
I was wondering, is there any limit to how much HP you can make with an alky kit? I'm almost done my twin-turbo 383 mustang, and i've been thinking of an alky/water kit to sqeeze a few more ponies out of it on pumpgas. Thanks.
The sky is the limit so long as the detonation is kept in check and you keep the motor together....tune...tune...tune!
Invest in a DFI ..that carb is going to be a handful getting all the cylinders rite..

Dont ask how I know bout blow-thru's.

Also..keep water in your radiator..alky works better without it.

Yeah yeah I know the physics..its what works for me..

Some reason the Mustang guys like running water :rolleyes:

Power will be determined by the ratio of fuel vs alky the motor injests..bring fuel down and alky up..get them working..bada bing