Let's try this again, on a road that will actually be open in April. 
The event on facebook.
Open to all makes and models.
Meet at 11:00am, leave at 12:00pm.
Meet Point:
Cul de sac at the end of Pankey marked by A in the route below.
End Point:
The Round Up BBQ Grill. The address is:
Here is the entire route.
NOTE: The fork at D for South Grade Rd. is kind of easy to blow by, just keep an eye open, use
your GPS, set your odometer from A, whatever works for you.
Turnout is hard to guess without a lot of feedback, but I figure 20-30 pretty easily and
possibly more.
My name is Ben (a.k.a., Vettezuki). I'll be in a white C3 Corvette . . theoretically. If not,
I'll be rocking the Hello Kitty Miata . . . again.
Updated Run/Meet Schedule for 2013
April 14 - Palomar
May 11 - Nick's
June 9 - ACH
July 13 - Nick's
August 11 - Malibu
September 14 - Nick's
October 13 - GMR
November 9 - Nick's
December - Mission Inn

The event on facebook.
Open to all makes and models.
Meet at 11:00am, leave at 12:00pm.
Meet Point:
Cul de sac at the end of Pankey marked by A in the route below.
End Point:
The Round Up BBQ Grill. The address is:
Here is the entire route.
NOTE: The fork at D for South Grade Rd. is kind of easy to blow by, just keep an eye open, use
your GPS, set your odometer from A, whatever works for you.
Turnout is hard to guess without a lot of feedback, but I figure 20-30 pretty easily and
possibly more.
My name is Ben (a.k.a., Vettezuki). I'll be in a white C3 Corvette . . theoretically. If not,
I'll be rocking the Hello Kitty Miata . . . again.
Updated Run/Meet Schedule for 2013
April 14 - Palomar
May 11 - Nick's
June 9 - ACH
July 13 - Nick's
August 11 - Malibu
September 14 - Nick's
October 13 - GMR
November 9 - Nick's
December - Mission Inn