Need an emissions passing chip!



Allright folks,

I'm getting nowhere fast with troubleshooting my EGR to get NOX reduction.

I am finding everything in working order with EGR!:confused:

I currently have PROM ID 0090?

Is this a chip that should easily pass emissions?

If not, then I need a chip that will.

I ran 1 can of drygas, and G2p before the last test, and still failed.

Can someone give me a chip with more EGR?

How much? and how fast? I have until the end of May!

I am 1.95 gpm HC versus allowed 2.25 (ok but not much room)

and 3.35 gpm NOx versus allowed 3.25 (10/100ths off)

Any help would be appreciated, and I know you will probably need list of mods.


I will hook up turbolink this week and give some numbers at idle.

(No laptop access at the moment for running):(
Put a cat on the car. I would imagine it will sail through then.
I already have a Poston High flow cat on the car with not many hours on it?????????????????????????????????????
All I can say to that is wow. You must have some other issues somewhere. Unfortunately I dont have the emmisions recall chip here to pull the PROM ID from it but maybe someone else will chime in.