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Signal 1 J-12
May 22, 2002
How in God's green earth do you get the pads off the rear brakes? A detailed description will be greatly appreciated. TIA
Come on fellas, no none here has ever changed their back brake pads? The car is sitting on a jack with the tires off waiting to hit the road....Even if someone would tell me how to get the emergency brake cable and mechanism off, that would help a lot!

I've only done it once and that was last summer and it's a little hazy, and I'm at work so I can't look at mine. But I'm not sure why you mention removing the parking brake mechanism..? I know I didn't have to do that. IIRC it was actually fairly straightforward..there are 2 large pins that you unscrew and then the caliper slides off of the hub. I then sat the caliper on a cinder block to support it so that the brake line wasn't bearing the weight. Then I thought it was just a combination of small mallet and C clamp to pop the old pads out and seat the new ones in. I took my time since I have never done any brake work before but I didn't have any trouble.
Am I remembering wrong? I was hoping one of the more knowledgable guys would chime in to help you, but if not can you paint me a picture of exactly where you're stuck at and maybe it will jog my memory?

You been brake tourqing them into submission ? You wore them out soon.

Iv'e never done mine so I am of little help. But I have done a few rear disc brakes on a few of my Caddy's. Like stated above , I don't remember anything special needing to be done. Just went to work with the tools and got-er-done. Even if the E-brake cable coming off would help, it still should be made to be able to take apart.

Good luck , and remember - 1 side @ a time . Save one side for a reference.
Many thanks to those that responded, I got them done tonight after looking at them for a while. I called Julio and he he pointed me in a direction even though he couldn't remember exact details either. Turns out that there are two large bolts that bolt into the axle hub and release the entire brake assembly from the rotor. These bolts were kind of a PITA to break loose, but once out, the job was done in no time. My OE pads with 16k miles looked about 50% when compared to the new pads. This time around I went with a ceramic pad that Julio said helped him hold significantly more boost at the line. Now that the T brake is gone, any more psi at the line will help. What seems really odd to me is that the front pads had more beef to them....I thought the front brakes bore the brunt of the stopping duties??? I also priced ceramic pads for the front and they are freak'n EXPENSIVE to say the least....$130+! Now I have to buy a rear diff seal and fill the diff with synthetic oil to prolong its abused life:) If GM cut any corners with these cars, it was using the diff that they did. IMO they should of used something closer to a 9" and called it good. Once I hit the KS. lottery a 9" bolt-in is on order. Thanks again fellas.
Oops.. just realized you found the two large bolts..

Man I hate remembering those.

Post some results..
